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You- (smiles and waits for him to take the picture)
Chris- (takes the picture) Another Picture
You- (poses different)
Chris- (takes the picture)

Yall Were Just Being Silly At The Chinese Restaurant Waiting For Your Food. Chris Was Being Mean And He Got People In The Background Too.

You- (laughs and sits next to Chris)
Chris- (looks back at the pictures
and goes to Instagram)
You- (looking around at people) I Don't Like Coming Here (says quietly)
Chris- (laughs) Why Not
You- I Don't Know I Just Don't Really Like Coming. That's Why I Always Call It In (whispers to him)
Chris- (laughs again and posts the picture) Is There A Certain Reason
You- I Think So I Just Can't Remember.. I Think It's Cause It's So Dark In Here
Chris- Are You Sure It's Not Cause We In The Hood
You- No It's Not That I Grew Up Here
Chris- I Know Y/N You Ain't Scared Of The Streets
You- I'm Just Scared Of Losing Niggas In The Streets
Chris- (looks at you)
Chris- (gets our food and walks back) Come On
You- (stands up) I Think I'm Safe Out Here
Chris- (walks out in front of you and opens the door for you)
You- Thank You Handsome (gets in the car)
Chris- (gets in the drivers seat and drives off)
At Home 🏡
You- (laughing)
Chris- (dancing like a crack attic) That's CoCAINE
You- (laughs and sits on the chair)
Chris- (stops and sits on the chair next to you and kisses you) I Love You Beautiful
You- I Love You Too Handsome

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