#33 {I'M BAACCK }

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You- (eating Pringles sitting on the porch)


You- (looks up and stands up)


Chris- (steps out of the bus)

You- (starts to smile and runs to him)

Chris- (smiling and picks you up and spins you around) Wassup Babe

You- I Missed You Chris (lays your head in the crook of his neck)

Chris- I Missed You Too Y/N

You- (pulls away and looks at him)

Chris- (looks at you and kisses your nose)

You- (giggles and kisses his nose)

Chris- Come On Babe (walking back on the bus)

You- Wait Where We Goin

Chris- Somewhere (sits in the seat)

You- Babe The House Doors Are Unlocked

Chris- Oh (stands up) I'll Be Right Back (walks to the house)

Mike (Chris's Manager)- Wassup Y/N

You- Hey Mike Wassup

Mike- Nothing I'm Just Tired

You- From The Tour

Mike- (nods and lays his head down on the window) Tired Of Being On This Bus Too

You- (laughs a little)

Chris- (walks back on the bus and sits down next to me)

You- You Grab My Keys??

Chris- I Got Mine

You- (nods and looks at him)

Chris- (looks over at me and smiles) Wassup Babe

You- I Just Missed You So Much

Chris- I Missed Ya Lil Trini Ass Too

You- (laughs a little and lays my head on his shoulder)

Chris- (looks down at you)

You- How Was Tour

Mike- Why You Ain't Ask Me

You- Cause You Ain't My Husband

Chris- (starts laughing)

You- (laughs a little)

Chris- Nah But It Was Cool August And Them Came Out

You- Um Who Is "And Them" (does air quotes)

Chris- (looks at you) You Know Who And Them Is But Anyway August Had Came Out

You- Where Is August

Chris- He Had Went Out To Georgia

You- (nods)

Chris- But Yeah It Was Cool (looks down) I See You Were Eating Pringles

You- (looks at them and laughs a little) Yeah I Got A Little Hungry

Chris- I Know You Love Pringles

You- Yass Cheddar Pringles Are BAE (grabs the container)

Chris- Gimme Some (takes the container)

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