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Arya Azael woke up from her sleep.

Arya Azael combs her long brown hair.

Arya Azael steps out of the room.

Arya Azael checks on Yelena Alton, and doesn't see her.

Arya Azael rushes out of the room.

Arya Azael finds Yelena Alton in the doorway of the testing room.

Yelena Alton turns and sees Arya Azael.

Yelena Alton says...

"You're late. The doctors are here."

Arya Azael looks at Yelena Alton.

Arya Azael says...

"Why're you wearing all that white clothing?"

Yelena Alton says...

"Your doctors say to wear it. Believe me, I protested. Now come on, they're waiting for you."

Yelena Alton and Arya Azael step into the room, two purple beds in the center.

One of the doctors hand Arya Azael white clothing.

Arya Azael goes into the changing room and changes.

Arya Azael steps out of the room.

Doctor Summer says...

"You guys are ready to go, just lay on the beds while we inject the liquid."

Yelena Alton and Arya Azael both lay on the separate beds.

Yelena Alton says...

"Your doctors say it won't kill or poison us...but we might have a slight headache."

Summer says...

"Ladies, I apologize, but it has to be injected one at a time. So who'll be going first?"

Yelena Alton says...

"I wi-"

Arya Azael says...

"No, I will."

Summer says...

"Alright. Looks like the boss will be going first."

Arya Azael lays down.

Summer injected the liquid in Arya Azael's brain.

Arya Azael groans.

Arya Azael passed out.

Yelena Alton says...

"What the hell did you do to her...?"

Summer says...

"I'm sorry for this, Lena..."

Summer pushes Yelena Alton down as she injects the liquid into her brain.

Yelena Alton passes out.

Time 7:00 am

Lena gets up, gasping. She looks wildly around her, checking her surroundings. Her head hurt, bad.

Lena shakes her head, rubbing a throbbing area on her head.

She swallows down the bile that was rising in her throat. She felt sick.



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