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My chest went up and down with the sound of my short, sharp breaths. I didn't think I'd been so terrified in my life.

The creature-robot-monster thing had huge claws that could, without a doubt, rip you to shreds. Literally. There would just be little scraps of flesh and bone tumbling in the wind.

The teeth had disgusting, black saliva strands sticking to it. Its eyes were like ink, pooling in its eye socks. I was utterly horrified and disgusted.

My attention snapped to Summer, who didn't seem any calmer than we did. "Please tell me that you have some sort of secret move to counter this thing."

"I'm the scientist in the family, not the fighter," she grumbled.

"Well then, take us to who is!" I whisper-hissed. My heart thudded in my ears.

Arya was right next to me, the closest to the monster. The creature made this loud roar, and some of the black saliva flew to the floor in front of us. I forced myself not to throw up.

Summer took a shaky breath. "Okay," she whispered, "I have a hideout. It has a shield transmitter, which tells the robot's sensory...areas that we're not here." She caught our eyes. "We're going to need to make a run for it. Once we start moving it's most definitely going to come after us. You're running for your life, and your legs better say it."

She sighed. "If you're caught, I can't help you. I need to stay by the entrance so we can get through. Once you approach the hideout, I turn it off. Go inside, I turn it on. You're going to need to make it yourself."

We nodded, and I swallowed. Right. No pressure.

"On 3," she directed.




We bolted off, and the robot let out another scream. I ran so fast, and so hard, that the slapping of my feet on the ground echoed through my eyes and sent shockwaves through my body.

I heard the robot's mechanic feet whirring into motion, and the ground rumbled as it chased after us. I squeezed my eyes shut and just ran. I didn't want to see its ginormous, dark shadow towering over me, its huge jaw opening wide as it picked me up and planned to snap it close, with me in it-

My eyes flew back open as the toughness of the fake world came over me. It might not have been real, but my pride and bravery had been, and I could still have it now. Although my vision was blurred with the speed, I glanced around for something I could use to slow it down.

Wait. A machine couldn't function even if one thing was out of place. A broken piece of wood caught my eye.

I stopped in my tracks, my heart racing faster than ever. If I messed up, I would die. Most definitely. If I didn't, I would be able to stop this thing. Temporarily, that is.

I grabbed the splintered plank of wood, and waited for the robot to come up to me. It roared again, coming for me.

Exactly when its right foot was in front of me, I pushed the plank into its leg. Then I ran.

I could hear the robot sparking behind me. Then, a loud bang as it fell on its face.

It wasn't dead. It was temporarily stunned, and it would get back up eventually. I knew that. But it would give us a bit more time. I ran to the entrance, and I could see Ari's figure running too.

We made it.

Summer pressed the button to the entrance, and the shield flashed and flickered a bit, and it was open. We ran in, and Summer hit another button inside.

Ari and I exchanged glances, gasping for air, hearts racing, adrenaline pulsing through our veins and eyes wide.

"We made it," she gasped.

I swallowed and tried to catch my breath. "Yeah," I speculated breathlessly, "we did."



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