chapter three - crush

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a/n - niki read out my comment on stream and laughed at me so my life feels complete right now, lol

niki's pov:

I say bye to my chat and end stream. I look at the time and see it's 5am. I really streamed that late? I decided to go and get ready for bed and look at my notifications. I had a few off Twitter and my other socials, but that wasn't the ones I was looking for.

Oh, y/n must be asleep. I message them saying I ended stream late, so I will speak to them later before drifting off to sleep. All I could think about was them...

*in the morning*

y/n pov:

I wake up at around 12 pm. I take my phone off charge and see I have a message from Niki. I smile to myself before opening it. I know she won't be up for a few hours, but I message her anyway.

"No worries! Was wondering if you wanted to do anything today. It's totally fine if not, but I wanted to see you again :)"

I send it anxiously, hoping she doesn't find it weird. I then get up to go and get ready for the day. Even if I wasn't hanging out with Niki, I did need to head out to the shop anyway.

I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and have a shower. Once I was done, I got changed into a skirt, fishnets, a band t-shirt, and a zip-up jacket. I then put some boots on and grabbed my essentials before leaving the apartment.

On the way there, I heard my phone ping, so I pulled it out of my pocket to see who it was. My face lit up as I saw "Niki🫶🏼" appear on my screen. I opened the message and saw what she had said.

"Of course! That would be lovely. I am going to the café later anyway so meet you there?"

I smile to myself at her reply before messaging back.

"Yeah, that's cool :) I'm out anyway, so just let me know when you're ready!"

I put my phone away as I came up to the entrance of the supermarket. When I'm inside, I grab a few monsters, some food for my dinner's, and a few snacks. I take them to the self checkout and pay before quickly heading back to my apartment to put the things I need to in the kitchen.

*time skip*

Niki's pov:

I smile as I think about seeing y/n again whilst I get ready. I had already had my shower and got dressed into a dress and cardigan. I decided to go for a more natural look today with my makeup, but I still did my eyeliner. Just as I was finishing, I got a message of y/n saying they were chilling at their apartment until I was ready, so I decided to set off soon.

I message them back to say I was setting off and quickly got all my stuff together before going out the door.

As I approach the café my nerves start to kick in. I was worried that y/n wouldn't like my outfit or makeup, I was just overthinking, really, but I really liked them and wanted to make a good impression. As I got through the door, I saw them sitting in the back booth waiting, so I took a deep breath before going in.

a/n - im going to try and write longer chapters, but i have been quite busy recently with exams, so it's hard to get them out quickly.

how do you think it's going to go to the café?

word count - 620

pretty girl || nihachu x femreader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن