chapter sixteen - him

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a/n - i promise im trying to get chapters out, i have had a lot going on right now😩

Niki's pov:

We arrive at the hospital and rush quickly to my brothers room to get him home. Once we reach the room, we all count down before bursting in and getting ready to scare him.

"BOO!" We all shout at the same time, still trying to he quiet for other patients.

"Mach das nicht!" He shouts back, holding his hand to his chest. He laughs at us before giving us a hug.
(Don't do that!)

We all talk as we pack his things, saying how lucky he is that his chemo worked. We headed back out to the car with him this time, and it felt amazing. I was so excited to have him home again.

*time skip*

Your pov:

We all arrive home, helping Nikis brother settle in again before we all sit down for a meal.

We eat and laugh together, and all decide to help Niki's mother with the cleaning up. Once everything was sorted, Niki grabbed my hand and took me upstairs.

"Y/n, can we watch a movie and have snacks, please?" Niki asks sweetly.

"Of course, princess," I reply, grabbing some of the snacks we still had from the picnic as Niki browses for a film. I place them all on the bed and put our drinks on the bedside table.

I decided to get into my pyjamas, and Niki does the same. We both cuddle up in bed as Niki puts on a movie before we hear a knock on the bedroom door.

"Komm herein!" Niki says, as her brother walks in.
(Come in!)

"Hey leute, ich wollte ein bisschen mit euch beiden abhängen. Ist das okay?" He asks quietly, seemingly nervous for us to say no.
(Hey guys, I wanted to come and hang out with you for a bit. Is that okay?)

"Natürlich! Komm, setz dich neben mich," Niki replies with a smile, patting the space on the bed beside her.

We continue watching the film, but my phone pings, so I quickly check it.

'Message from Luke: I know where you are. Stop trying to run from me, Y/n.'

My heart begins to pound, and my breathing becomes shallow. I tighten my grip on Niki's waist unknowingly, and she turns to look at me with concern.

Once she notices, she immediately sits up.

"Love? What's wrong?" Niki asks as she rubs my thigh.

"He knows. He knows where I am, Nik's," I say, struggling to speak properly.

"Who does y/n?" She asks with concern.

"Luke." I reply, showing her the message as I do.

"We are safe here, I promise you, darling. My family and I will go to any length to protect you," Niki says, calming me down a little.

"Sie hat recht, Y/n, wir würden alles tun, um dich zu beschützen," Her brother says. I smile at him, and then at Niki.
(She's right, y/n, we would do anything to keep you safe)

A/N - btw nikis brother can understand English, but can't speak it yet. He's only around 16 here

"Thank you, both of you. I guess I'm just worried because he has found me before, and he ruined my life. But I do feel safer here than I ever have, so thank you both for everything," I smile at them, tearing up a little. Niki hugs me, and her brother joins in on the hug.

We all carried on watching the movie, and Niki and her brother were doing their best to make me laugh, but all I could think about were his words. They burned into my mind.

"Y/n?" I hear Niki's voice, and I'm snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yes, love?" I reply, looking to the TV to see the movie had ended.

"Are you okay? You weren't replying to us for like 10 minutes," Niki says, concern dripping from her words.

"What, really? I'm sorry, guys, I'm just on edge, I think," I say, instantly feeling bad for accidently ignoring them.

"Don't apologise. It was just a little scary," Niki says, giggling, and she cuddles into me.

*time skip to the morning*

Niki's pov:

I'm woken up by a knock on the door, I groan and turn towards y/n, but she's not there.

I open my eyes quickly, and the door knocks again. I panic a little before searching the house for her.

When I can't find her anywhere in the house, I immediately wake up my brother, and we go to open the door together.

I slowly open it, peeking out of the gap I had created. I see y/n and open it as fast as I could.

"Y/n? Oh my god, what happened to you?" I start to freak out once I see her.

Her face was covered in cuts and bruises, and her hair was tangled with mud and leaves in. She had been crying, and I could see the streaks of tears still there on her cheeks. Her top was ripped, and her legs were battered.

I immediately pull her into the house, acknowledging that she can't really speak yet. I grab her a glass of water and get the first aid kit out.

"Y/n? Drink this for me, please, darling," I say gently, handing her the glass of water.

She takes it hesitantly and has a few sips. She looks up at me with hurt in her eyes, and my heart breaks for her.

"This might sting a little, but I'm just cleaning your cuts, okay?" I ask, waiting for her to understand what I was doing.

Once she nods at me, I start to clean the ones on her face. I gently dap on the cuts and wipe the tears that stain her face. I then move down to her arms and legs, cleaning them too. Once I had finished, I took her hand and led her upstairs.

I fill up the bathtub with warm water and help her get undressed and into the tub. I tried to look away as we hadn't had this conversation yet, and I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

"Do you want me to pull the shower curtain so I can only see your face? Just so I can wash your hair," I ask gently, and she nods at me, so I pull it towards her head and leave it at her neck.

I wash her hair gently, trying to detangle it at the same time. I am shocked when y/n speaks up for the first time since she saw me.

"It was Luke. He actually did find me." Y/n says, her voice hoarse as if she had been screaming.

a/n - a little abrupt end, but it'll make sense for the next chapter. hope you enjoyed :)

word count - 1151

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