3~ Walking

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I wake up the next morning and slowly opened my eyes. Ughh.. I'm so fucking tired... I think to myself as I get up to stretch. I head downstairs and I see Luna on her phone sitting on the couch. "Hey Luna." I mumble. Her head pops up and she smiles at you. "Morning y/n! I saw your stream yesterday!" She said excitedly. I smile at her and go to make some coffee.

"Soooo?" She asked. "So what?" I question back. "So, did Tommy ever dm you?" She said, practically jumping up and down on the couch. "No, but he did follow me on Instagram!" I reply as a smile grows on my face. "Maybe you should dm him!" Luna says as you finish your coffee. "I'm too scared, and you know that! It would be so weird." I shoot back as I continue drinking my coffee. "I'm just saying...." She said with a mischievous grin. 

"Whatever. What do you want to do today?" She asked as she shifted the topic. "Uhm, I don't know. I was thinking of streaming today." I answer as I go to sit down with Luna. "I want to do something fun though..." She grumbles. "Well what do you want to do?" I say as I give her a little playful punch on the arm. "Okay, ouch. But maybe we can go to the park or something." She says thoughtfully as she rubbed her arm. "Or maybe I can spend the entire day getting back at you for what you just did here." She mumbled jokingly.

I laughed and so did Luna. "Alright, we can go to the park and then I'll stream when we get home." I say as I get up to go get dressed. "Okay, I'm going to get ready." Luna says as she headed to her room. 

I went and chose a cute outfit to wear.

I went and chose a cute outfit to wear

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(Something like this, if you don't like just chose your own lol)

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(Something like this, if you don't like just chose your own lol)

I also put on some simple make-up. Just some eyeliner, lip-gloss, and a little mascara. I look in the mirror and look away quickly. Whatever, lets just leave... I'm waiting for Luna downstairs and she is finally ready to go. "Alright, lets go already!" I say as Luna grabs the car keys. "Do you want to walk or no?" She asks as she pauses at the door. "Lets walk." I answer as she puts back the keys.  

We walk out and head to the park. It wasn't really a park, more of a garden path. After around 15 minutes of walking we made it. And it was gorgeous! I love coming here with Luna, this was our spot. We came here so often that it was like a habit. "I'm so tired, but the walk was worth it." I say out of breath. "Yea!" She said, but she didn't seem tired. "You have such low energy." She teased. "Shut the fuck up.." I say as I sit down in the grass.

We chat and hang out a bit, watching the sun climb up the sky. We had so much fun. After an hour or two, we decided to get food and go home. As we were on our way home, I decided to ask Luna a question. "Do you think I should dm him? Do you think he will even care?" I ask nervously. "Honey, DO IT! Go for it! If he doesn't care, you still have thousands of people who do care about you!" She answers. "Yea. Your right Luna. Thank you.." I say, still nervous. 

We arrive back home and I go to my room. I want to stream, but first I want to try and reach out to Tommy. I open up Instagram and send that first message. 


"Hey Tommy! How are you?" 

One simple message. I sent it and put my phone down for a bit, and just lie down on my bed. I hear a notification on my phone and I open it up.

Sweater Weather. (TommyInnit x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now