Chapter 5

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Ava's phone vibrated in her pocket, knocking her out of her daydream about Davis. She pulled it out of her pocket and read the desperate message from her sister: Call me! Ava shook her head in amusement when Melissa texted again. NOW!!!!

Ava quickly called her sister. "What's wrong?"

"You will not believe what I heard!" Melissa sung.

"What?" Ava replied, already bored.

"Well first I heard that someone got sent to the principal's office with Sean Downs."

Ava blushed. "Oh, really?"

"Uh huh. And I thought to myself: well that's unusual. Ava wouldn't dare get in trouble on the first day of school. But then I remembered your plan. And your change in appearance. And then I thought: wow, Ava sure moves fast. She's already hanging out with one of the most popular guys in her grade."

Ava sighed. "So?"

"Well I wouldn't have thought anything of it. But then I heard something else."

Ava rolled her eyes, waiting. Everyone knew that her sister was one of the most popular senior girls. She had tons of gossip about her and she knew all the gossip about everyone else. "What did you hear, Melissa?"

"Well I heard that the hot new guy asked you on a date!"

"Uh huh. Is that all? Can I go now?"

"Not yet!" Melissa shrieked in excitement. "I heard that you turned down said-hot guy's offer to go on a date with Sean. However," She made sure to emphasize the last word, "he was a no show and you went to a pizza place by yourself."


"At first I felt sorry for you. But then I heard something else!"

Ava sighed again.

"Another hot guy, Davis, came over and spent a lot of time talking to you."

"What's your point, Melissa?" Ava was eager for the conversation to be over.

"Oh I don't have a point really. I'm just totally impressed! Your plan worked!" To Ava's surprise Melissa actually sounded genuine.

"Well, uh, thanks? I guess I'll see you at home?"

"Bye!" Melissa cheerfully said before hanging up.

* * *

After having survived her first week of school Ava was looking forward to relaxing and sleeping all weekend. She was sick of all the drama with Avery, they had been ignoring each other all week, and just wanted relax. Just as she made her way to her extremely comfy bed her phone buzzed.

Looking at it with a sigh Ava opened her text messages and saw an unread one from Davis. Earlier that week she had exchanged numbers with him so they could text each other with homework questions, they took a lot of the same classes just were not in each others classes, and, as they had often been doing, just to chat.

She looked at the text: So, I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out at my house tonight? I'll have pizza and movies. I can come pick you up?

Unable to control the huge grin that spread across her face, Ava immediately texted back. Sounds good. What time?

She anxiously paced her room as she waited for his response. When her phone vibrated, a minute later, she could hardly contain her excitement. I can pick you up in 15?

Can't wait! Ava deliberated sending more exclamation marks before settling on not seeming overly excited.

Turning to her closet Ava realized she had no idea what to wear. "Melissa!" She shouted. "I need you!"

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