Chapter 9

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Ava opened her mouth in shock as Sean drove his car up along the sidewalk across from a large house. The party looked just like those from the movies. There was loud music, crowds of teenagers standing around outside, and lots of red cups. 

"Come on." Sean opened her door and held out his hand. Ava took it and stepped out of the car, still taking in the movie like setting. 

"You know," Ava began as they started to walk to the house, "I'd always thought that the parties in movies were to cliche to be real." 

Sean chuckled. "We don't have to stay if you don't want."

"No, I'm ok being here for a while at least. I've never been to a party like this before." 

* * *

Ava held on to Sean's hand tightly, trying not to get swept up among the crowd. 

"Where are we going?" She shouted at him. They had been wandering around the house for a good ten minutes now. 

"We're almost there." He yelled back loudly though she could still barely hear him over the music. He pulled her forward, around a crowd of dancing teenagers, and into a large kitchen. 

"Hey man!" A brunette wearing a basketball warm-up jacket and standing behind the kitchen's island, held up his hand for Sean to high-five. 

Sean nodded cooly in his direction. "Didn't expect to see you here after what happened, Matt."

Matt put his hand down and shoved it in his pocket. "I wasn't planning on coming." He admitted. "But they wanted me on drink duty." He nodded with his head towards a blender and a bunch of coolers. "Speaking of which, do you guys want anything?"

"What do you want?" Sean asked Ava.

"Um, just water please." She said to Matt uncertainly. 

"Two waters." Sean stated. 

Ava watched as Matt grabbed two red plastic cups and shoved them under the sink's faucet. 

"Bottled water." Sean emphasized. 

"Oh, of course." Matt blushed and hurriedly grabbed two bottled waters from a cooler.

"Thanks." Sean grabbed them from him and turned to leave.

"Oh, Sean." Matt called after him. 

"Yeah?" Sean turned back.

"They're hanging out in the den."

Sean nodded once and turned back around. "Let's go Ava."

"One second!" She responded. She turned to Matt, "thanks for the water."

Matt looked at her in surprise. "You're welcome." He smiled. "You've got a good guy there." He gestured in Sean's direction. 

Ava smiled in return and hurried off after Sean. He was waiting right outside. 

"Here." He handed her a bottle of water. She took it gratefully, opened the top and drunk some. 

"Thanks." She smiled. 

He grinned at her. "You ready to go see your friend?"

"Rose?" She clarified.

He nodded. "Let's go."

He led her further into the gigantic house until they came to a door in the middle of the hallway. Sean smiled at another basketball player standing in front of the door.

"Sean." The basketball player said in acknowledgment as he stepped away from the door.

"Will." Sean smiled. 

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