Chapter 7

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"So why do you want to practice fencing on a Saturday?" Ava questioned once they had safely exited the house. They began to take the short walk to the school.

Logan shrugged. "We have that tournament coming up soon and I want to win."

"There's no way you won't." Ava smiled. "You're the best guy fencer we have by far."

Logan smiled at her. "Thanks."

Ava nudged him with her elbow jokingly. "Here's the part where you're suppose to say that I'll win my event."

"Well you definitely are a good fencer," He began, "but you have a harder competition than I do."

"What do you mean?" Ava asked sharply.

"Well," he paused, "Avery's an incredible fencer too. And Ashley can have really good days as well."

"Avery." Ava snorted. "She's not really that good you know."

Logan looked at her curiously.

"Well I mean obviously her fencing is fine, but unlike us she has to work her butt off to be that good." Ava smirked. "She stays after practice almost every day for about two extra hours. Plus she comes in on weekends..." Her voice trailed off. She turned and grabbed Logan's arm. "Wait! I forgot! I can't go to practice today! I have to, um, go pick up groceries! Yeah. My mom asked me to go to the store! I can't believe I forgot!"

Logan looked at her with the hint of a smile on his face. "How about we go to the store after we practice? I'm going home with you anyways to watch that movie."

"Oh, well, uh, you could just meet me at my house later. I mean, the store can be pretty boring."

"I've been shopping before, Ava." Logan grinned. "And besides, you promised you'd help me practice."

Ava sighed. "Yeah. I guess." She begrudgingly dragged her feet forward.

* * *

"Logan!" Avery dropped her sabre, which she had been using on the practice dummy, greeted Logan excitedly. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to practice with Ava." Logan nodded his head in Ava's direction, forcing her to step into the gym.

"Ava." Avery's voice fell flat.

"Avery." Ava acknowledged coldly. "Still forced to keep up your weekend practices?"

Avery placed her hands on her hips. She opened her mouth but quickly shut it. She relaxed her posture and smiled. "You know I need the practice." She shrugged. "You guys got here just in time. Do you guys want to join me in my practice?"

Relieved that the tension seemed to have dissolved, Logan looked at Ava for confirmation. "It's fine with me." He stated.

Ava watched Avery nervously. She knew that she could not get out of practicing, but she was worried that Avery had something planned. She shrugged her shoulders slowly.

"Great!" Avery smirked. "Why don't we warm up?"

Ava watched Avery out of the corner of her eye as they all began to stretch out their muscles. After about five minutes they had finished and Avery grinned. "Some conditioning might be a good way to start?" She suggested.

"Makes sense to me." Logan nodded.

"Great! I'll set up the speed ladder." Avery hurried over to the closet full of conditioning torture devices and pulled out the seemingly innocent ladder. She laid it out on the floor and stood in front of it. "Ready?" She asked Logan and Ava who had lined up behind her.

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