Chapter 6

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Ava woke up in the morning feeling totally euphoric. Last night could not have gone anymore perfectly. Davis was such a sweet guy and fun to be around.

Ava immediately checked her phone but, to her disappointment, Davis had not texted. She stretched leisurely and left her room to hunt down breakfast.

When Ava got to the kitchen she stood still, alarmed, by all of her family, except Laura who was a late sleeper, staring at her.

"So," her mother began, "how was your date last night?"

Ava looked at Melissa, alarmed, but Melissa was just smiling at the mug of tea in front of her.

"Well it was fine, I guess?"

"So who is this young man anyways?" Her father demanded.

"Um his name is Davis. He goes to my school." Ava blushed.

"Davis." Her mother said the name, as if testing its validity.

"Why didn't Davis introduce himself to us? Any respectful young man would have taken the time to do that." Her father still seemed annoyed.

"Well I guess cause it wasn't really anything official. It was just like two friends hanging out. Well I mean until," Ava looked up at her parents as she realized what she was about to say. "Um, until he, uh, until..." She stammered.

"Until what?" Her dad growled threateningly.

Thinking fast Ava blurted out, "until he held my hand."

Melissa coughed in amusement. Ava glared at her before returning her attention to her parents.

Her father sighed, more relaxed now and her mother smiled at her. "Well I'm glad you had a good time. Bacon?" She held out a plate.

Ava took a piece, still nervous, and glanced at her sister who was now grinning wickedly.

"So, mom, dad, I'm suppose to do this project for school and I was hoping you could help me decide the topic." Melissa smiled at them.

Ava looked up from the bagel she was now making in surprise. Melissa never talked to their parents about anything school related.

"What's the project on, honey?" Her mother asked. Ava could tell that her mother was pretending to be calm while she was actually bursting with excitement.

"Well I have to do something that's special to the French in particular." Melissa began, winking at Ava.

"The French?" Ava asked, puzzled.

"Uh huh. We have to write a paper, do a presentation, make a poster board, you know, the usual."

Ava knew for a fact that none of the teachers in their high school ever assigned projects involving poster boards, they were deemed too childish. Suddenly wary she ate her bagel carefully.

"Well there's the French revolution. That was pretty important." Their father suggested before returning his attention to his paper.

Melissa rolled her eyes. "No, no. I want to do something that's romantic, like the city. What do you suggest mom?"

Delighted that she was being singled out, our mother deliberated a moment before answering. "You could always focus on the Eiffel Tower. That's what France is most known for."

Melissa sighed. "Well, I guess. But I was thinking something more along the lines of," she turned to Ava cruelly, "french kissing."

"How would you manage to write a whole paper on french kissing?" Their mom asked in confusion.

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