Chapter 8

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When Ava woke up that next morning she had three new text messages. 

She read the one from Logan first: "Hey Ava, I had a great time last night! I really like Laura-think she'll go out with me sometime if I asked her? Jk I'm only interested in one of the King sisters. See you at practice Monday!" 

Laughing she quickly responded: "Lol!!! See you then!"

Then she read the one from Davis: "Been thinking about you since Friday night! How's everything going? Want to go out for something other than pizza soon? ;)"

She smiled and typed an answer: "I've been thinking about you too. Does Tuesday sound good?"

Finally she turned to the third text which was from an unknown number: "Ava, I know you probably don't want to see me but I really need to explain. I'll see you in person soon."

Confused Ava stared at the text, she could not help but feel a bit creeped out by the message from an unknown sender. Who could possibly want to talk to her? And what did they have to explain to her?

* * *

Ava sat doing her english homework, her class was reading The Heidi Chronicles, she really liked the play; the main character was spunky and funny. 

Suddenly her phone buzzed. She picked it up expecting a response from either Logan or Davis, whom she had been texting all day, but instead it was a call from Melissa. 

Frowning she entered her passcode and answered the call. "Melissa?"

"Someone's here for you. I told you you'd meet them outside."

"Who is it?" Ava asked.

"They wouldn't say. They just said that they knew you and needed to apologize for something." Melissa responded. "They seemed pretty serious about it."

Ava sighed. "Tell them I'm coming down."

* * *

"What are you doing here?" Ava demanded, crossing her arms.

Sean ran a hand through his blonde hair. "I wanted to apologize."

Ava waited, angrily.

"For standing you up." Sean continued, putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans. 

"Yeah, well I'm over it." Ava turned to walk away.

"Wait!" Sean called out. 


"Can I at least explain why?"

"It better be a good explanation." 

Sean looked down at the floor. "I was really looking forward to seeing you compete, but I got a call and I had to leave."

"And then not show up the rest of the week?" Ava demanded. "You didn't give me any explanation! And then I couldn't ask you about it at school cause you weren't there!"

"I know! I know!" Sean held his hands up in a sort of appeasing gesture. "It's just... It was a family emergency." 

Ava waited.

"My grandma had a heart attack. My family drove up to the hospital to stay with her until she got better. She doesn't have anyone else."

Ava's arms dropped to her sides. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realize."

"It's ok." Sean smiled at her. "How could you have known? You're right, I should have found some way to let you know earlier."

Ava shrugged. She could not stay mad at someone who had left to take care of his grandma. 

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