Chapter 10

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Once again Ava started the week off by waking up ahead of her alarm clock. She smiled at the three new texts on her phone and got ready hurriedly. Today was going to be a great day.

* * *

"Ava!" Rose greeted her enthusiastically as Ava brought her lunch tray over to the table. Ava had yet to sit at any of the popular tables until now. She probably would have continued to eat with the fencers, avoiding Avery's icy stare, except that Sean had asked if she wanted to sit with him at lunch during history class.

"Hey, Rose!" She grinned back, pleased that she was being welcomed. "How's everything?"

"It's good." Rose grinned, eating her sandwich with one hand while the other was intertwined with Luke's. "English was so boring today."

"What'd you do?" Ava asked, sliding onto the bench across from Rose.

Rose shrugged. "We're discussing Romeo and Juliet."

Luke chuckled and Rose smiled at him.

"It's really boring though. Shakespeare is so confusing!"

"You know I could help you if you want." Luke offered.

Ava missed Rose's reply as Sean took the seat next to her. "Hey!" She smiled.

"Hi." He responded. "Study session after school tonight? You know, for that history test we have coming up. And I still have yet to eat ice cream with you." He winked at her.

Ava grinned back at him. "Sounds good, but it'll have to be after fencing practice."

"No worries." He shrugged amenably. "Do you want me to come and support you?"

"If you want. It'll be pretty boring though."

"Nothing with you could ever be boring." Sean grinned at her.

"So cliche!" Ava lightly slapped him on the arm.

"And that's a bad thing why?" Sean asked.

Ava rolled her eyes at him and took a bite of the mystery meat on her plate. "Ugh! What is this?"

Sean looked over at his own pile of red meat. He prodded it with a fork carefully. "It's definitely not edible." He frowned. He eyed Ava's apple hungrily.

"You can have it." She grinned at him.

"Thanks!" He picked it up and started to devour it.

"While you consume my apple, I'll go get something for us to eat, ok?" Ava stood up and headed back over to the cafeteria line.

She got in line and was waiting, bored, until someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"Logan!" She grinned.

"Hey." He smiled back at her. "What's up?"

"Nothing much. I'm just getting a salad or something. The meat today's awful."

Logan sighed. "Is that the vulgar smell?"

Ava nodded wearily. "I'll see you at fencing practice tonight, right?"

"Of course." Logan replied. "Ready for some conditioning?" He teased.

Ava rolled her eyes. "At least Avery won't be the one running the drills tonight."

Logan nodded in agreement. "She's actually out sick today anyways. I'm surprised you didn't notice, you being mortal enemies and all."

"Really? She's missing school?" Though Ava was no longer on speaking terms with Avery, she'd been best friends with her long enough that she knew her well. And she especially knew that Avery never missed school, she had even shown up the week when she had pneumonia.

"Yeah." Logan shrugged. "She hasn't been in any of my classes."

"Weird." Ava muttered thoughtfully.

There was an awkward pause as the line slowly crawled forward.

"So are you really going to dress up with my sister for halloween?" Ava asked.

Logan chuckled and brushed his dark hair away from his face. "I mean I was planning on it. I wasn't really going to do anything anyways." He nudged Ava's shoulder playfully, "and how could I miss a chance to play the Kristoff to your Anna?"

Ava blushed as the line surged forward once again. "Two salads, please." She asked the lady behind the counter. She paid and waited as Logan got his food.

They left the line together and started walking towards the tables.

"Two salads?" Logan asked, gesturing at her food.

"Oh, um, I'm getting it for a friend." Ava stammered, unwilling to let Logan know about Sean.

"That's nice of you." Logan smiled at her. "Where are you sitting?"

"Oh!" Ava realized that he intended to sit with her. "The table's full actually. I'll see you at fencing practice though?" Though she would love to spend more time with Logan, she could not bear to introduce him to Sean.

"Yeah. See you then." Logan shrugged.

Ava grinned at him and then headed off back to her lunch table. She handed Sean his salad and sat down next to him.

"Thanks!" He grinned at her and then proceeded to grab and squeeze her hand. "You're the best."

Ava blushed as she proceeded to eat the wilting lettuce.

"Who's that lost little puppy? I saw you talking to him." Sean asked around a mouthful of food, pointing with his fork at Logan. Logan was still standing where Ava had left him, looking at her carefully from across the room.

"Oh." Ava gulped. "That's Logan, he's a fencer."

Sean looked at Logan carefully.

"Oh yeah!" Rose interjected, obviously having finished her Romeo and Juliet discussion with Luke. "He's a new guy! Cassandra likes him!"

"Oh does she?" Sean pondered. He shrugged. "She could do better." Sean nonchalantly laid his arm around Ava's shoulders. "She was dancing with Mark last night, right?"

Ava tuned out the conversation and spared a glance back over at Logan only to find that he was looking at her, his mouth pressed in a thin line. He met her gaze and turned around sharply. Ava watched despairingly as he threw away his untouched food and stormed out of the cafeteria.

She turned back to her wilting lettuce with a frown on her face.

"Did you hear what I just said, Ava?" Rose asked, interrupting Ava's thoughts as she waved her hand in front of her face.

"Um, no, sorry." Ava stammered.

Rose shrugged. "I said, are you working on Romeo and Juliet too? Luke's going to help out Sean and me."

"Oh." Ava smiled. "Yeah we're covering that in English."

"Isn't it so complicated? All the secrets and whirlwind romances!" Rose sighed dramatically. "Shakespeare is just so confusing."

Ava snorted in agreement. She could completely understand. She knew just how Juliet felt. Only, unlike Juliet she did not just have one Romeo, she had three. Juliet and her Romeos. Maybe she could write a book.

* * *

A/N: If you think things have gotten bad for Ava just wait. I'm about to send her out of the frying pan and into the fire! Hope you all enjoyed the update!!! Sorry it took so long!!! I love you all!!! Please vote and comment!!!

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