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Porsche never thought that his quiet and solitary life would get so busy. It was always just him and his brother against the world, but now his life is completely filled with people. He's got friends, colleagues, acquaintances and most importantly, his love of life. At first, Porsche was hesitant to embrace this new aspect of his life. He was used to keeping to himself and not having too many people around him. But then Kinn came and made himself a permanent fix on Porsches life. And then came the newest one, their little bundle of joy.

After all the bullshits that had gone with them, they had finally settled down , with Kinn as head of the main family and Porsche as his main security . Although he had given up the headship of the minor family, he was technically second in commend of Vegas. Vegas was born for this, and Porsche was really exhausted. He really had wanted time to himself, to sought out everything.

But then 3 years later, Kinn proposed. Porsche always knew that Kinn was the one for him, but he never thought that his love for Kinn would lead to so much drama. Of course, Porsche said no. He wasn't ready to accept the proposal because he wanted to propose first. He wanted to show his love for Kinn in his own way, but fate had something else planned for him. After Porsche's rejection, Kinn became quiet and reserved, and he stopped talking to Porsche. It was like he had lost all hope in their relationship, which was quite dramatic if you ask Porsche. Porsche could see the hurt in Kinn's eyes, and he knew that he had made a terrible mistake. So, he decided to make things right. He went out of his way to plan the perfect proposal for Kinn. He wanted to show Kinn how much he loved him and how much he meant to him. It was always Kinn doing this little things for him. So Porsche wanted to be the first this time. So he had arranged a romantic dinner at their favorite restaurant, and he had even hired a band to play their song. As Porsche went down on one knee and opened the box, Kinn's eyes filled with tears. He knew that this was the moment he had been waiting for, and he said yes without hesitation .And now here they are with their little whirlwind Prapai.

Being a father has been Porsche's biggest challenge yet. He always thought that he had his priorities straight, and that his brother would always be his first priority. But now, his little one has become the center of his world. Porsche still makes sure to spend as much time as he can with his brother, but his days are now filled with work, family obligations, and playtime with his little one. He wouldn't have it any other way though. When he looks back at how he used to live, he can't help but feel grateful for this new life that he's living. A life filled with people, love, and laughter. As he tucks his little one into bed at night, Porsche knows that his life will never go back to the way it was before. And he's perfectly content with that.

However, he is happy to have so many loving individuals surrounding him and supporting him through this exciting journey of parenthood.

Porsche never thought he would get to see this side of Kinn. Kinn as a lover? Yes. And he was damn great at it. Kinn as a husband? Well he was not sure at first but now he wont take aniother husband definition if its not Kinn. But kinn as a Father? Never in million years he had imagined Kinn as a it.

Porsche never thought he would get to see this side of Kinn. Kinn was always so composed and calm, never letting his guard down. But today, as Porsche walked into their bedroom, he saw a side of Kinn that he never thought he would see. Kinn was sitting on the bed, shirtless, with their son on his bare chest. Porsche couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions as he watched Kinn hold their little son on his chest. He never thought that the man he fell in love with would be such a natural and loving father. It did something to him, seeing Kinn in this new light. For a moment, Porsche just stood there, watching the two of them.

Kinn's eyes were closed, and he had a look of pure contentment on his face. Their son was fast asleep, his tiny chest rising and falling with each breath. It was a sight that Porsche never wanted to forget. He wanted to bottle up this moment and keep it forever. It was then that he realized how lucky he was to have Kinn as his husband and the father of their child.. But now seeing Kinn shirtless, with their son on his bare chest, it did something to him. Porsche was filled with an indescribable warmth as he watched Kinn hold their little son on his chest. He never thought that the man he fell in love with would be such a natural and loving father. The sight of them together brought tears to Porsche's eyes.