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Prapai was born with a smile. Vegas can tell this because he was probably the only person who remained calm on the day that his nephew was born, he is the only one who can say this with absolute certainty. He is positive that his cretin of a cousin is unable to recall anything from what happened on that day. And Porsche's constant concern drove both the medical staff and the nurse to the point of insanity.

The birth of a newborn was something that neither his cousin nor his husband had any previous experience with. In addition to using a surrogate mother. Although it is true that they were skilled with Venice, this was due to the fact that they were Venice's uncles and not his parents. And they didn't have to dive in headfirst to witness the birth of Venice. Even though Vegas was in a coma when his little brat was born, he still managed to get his hands on Pete. His brave and courageous Pete, who had dealt with everything successfully.

So when the doctors handed Kinn and Porsche their son, Vegas stood in a corner and observed everything while everyone was cooing and cuddling the new addition of the family. Everyone wanted to take the newborn in their arms. Not Vegas though. His first meet with his brat didn't go well. Cause, their extremely awkward and happy baby Venice teared up the moment Pete handed him to Vegas. Pete had told him that Venice didn't cry or fuss even once after the birth cry. He was a silent child and liked to watch his surroundings.

Thus Vegas didn't really wanted to make his new nephew cry just by looking at him. So he observed from a corner. The first thing he saw when the doctor handed him was that he was small and wiggly, moving constantly as if he wanted to explore the world around him. When a baby would probably be a little calm after birth, his nephew moved constantly, he watched the baby's tiny hands and feet move around, and not in a fussy way. In a way, as if he wanted to see everything at once.

He knew just then that this little one would be a constant moving trouble for them. The second thing he noticed was his smile. He knew babies cry after birth. He remembered his own brother's face when he and his father were sitting outside his mother's hospital room. Macau was not crying, he was screaming. As if leaving the warmth and protection of their mother's womb wasn't something he truly desired to do. He was actually a little scared then, thinking that his brother was hurt.

However, he is willing to bet a million bhat that his nephew was born with a smile on his face. His tiny lips were curved up ever-so-slightly, and his eyes didn't shed a single drop of water while his own parents were shedding a river.

The moment Vegas thought he had that tiny human figured out just by doing a little bit of observation on his own, he received the shock of his life as his nephew's eyes met his own. Those innocent eyes, so full of wonder, held his own gaze. As if he were taking the strange and frightening man, who isn't even close by. However, the fact that his nephew didn't start crying simply because he was looking at him was the thing that shocked him the most. He showed a smile. Gummy smile to its fullest extent. With the mouth completely open and the eyes smiling. Vegas was still off in the distance at that point. Nevertheless, the infant maintained his gaze and made attempts with his tiny hands to get his attention. Call it his illusion or whatever you want, but he knows for a fact that his nephew was making grabby hands to him.

And Vegas was not a rock to not melt at those. As a result, he made his way towards the cheerful pile where everyone was smiling or vying for his nephew's attention. It was possibly his husband at one point who first observed that Vegas was moving closer and closer to them. Porsche didn't mind then. He simply grinned at Vegas and handed over their whirlwind to him. And Vegas swore that day, no matter what he won't let a single harm come to this smiling human.


When Vegas predicted that Prapai would be trouble , he was not wrong. That boy makes trouble as if he cannot leave without them. And on his way of trouble making, he usually swifts off his cousin who is probably just trying to fix his motorbikes and get to that architect university that he had taken interest lately.