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It was around 6AM when you were awoken by Hotchner's alarm going off on his phone. You groaned loudly as you stretched your arms in the air. "Why do you have to set your alarms this early?"

He quickly turned it off and sank back down into the bed under the covers, eventhough the weather was getting nicer, the nights or the mornings weren't always necessarily hot. He still had his eyes closed as he spoke "because I'm the boss." he mumbled, "and I have to be up before everybody else."

"Okay boss man" you patted his bare shoulder with your hand, still having barely opened your eyes. "Hmm" he sighed.

You finally were able to kind of open your eyes and looked at him, his hair was all over the place after going to bed with wet hair. Well, when you say worse it just means kind of cute to you anyway. "Sleep well?" You asked, continuing to look at him. Your eyes went from his hair to his cheekbones, his nose and his lips. They looked so soft and well, kissable. "Uhu" he nodded, turning his head to look at you. He opened his eyes and because you were already looking at him, your eyes immediately locked. "You?" He asked, noticing that his eyes were trailing down to your lips, he kept them there for a bit before looking back into your eyes. You felt your stomach kind of tightening, you were kind of nervous around him sometimes.

"Great" you smiled softly


You stayed there for a moment without moving an inch, before you felt his hand under the sheets brush over yours. Without breaking eye contact, your hand found his and your fingers lazily intertwined.

"The redness has gone down a bit," he said softly, touching your throat gently with his free hand. He brushed over the marks on your collarbone and you suddenly felt this need inside of you, a hunger that needed to be stilled and you knew how, because it had been done before. "Yeah, you know- the fading bruises are kind of lonely." You grinned

"Oh are they?"

"Definitely." You nodded

He moved a bit closer to you, your bodies now touching at the side, still holding hands. You moved up a bit to rest your head on his shoulder, placing your hand on his chest, kind of playing with his chest hair. He placed a kiss on the top of your head as he slowly rubbed your back with his large hand. "Are you cold?"
He asked, pulling the sheet up a bit higher so more of you would be covered. "No, not necessarily. Just chills."

"I give you chills?" He asked, raising a brow and stopping with the back rubs. "Hold your horses, chief. Literally anyone could rub my back and I'd have chills. You're not that special." You joked, looking up at him as he looked down on you.

"Oh I'm not?" He asked, looking into your eyes. He put his fingers underneath your chin and lifted your head further back, prolonging the intense eye contact.

"I think I am" he breathed before planting a tender kiss on your lips. You barely even moved, you didn't expect this one. Eventhough you were definitely kind of hoping for it. You then decided now would be a good time to take some initiative and you kissed him again, but this time it was a long kiss. No tongue, not a lot of movement either but just a sweet, long kiss. His hand went up and down your back and into your hair, he twirled some up into a self made pony tail and held it in his hand. He leaned down to kiss you again and as his lips touched yours, he gently pulled on your hair.

You slowly licked his lower lip and gently bit down on it as you made out. The grip on your hair grew tighter with every move and every kiss. He shifted his body a bit so he was now leaning on his elbow and his other hand finding your waist. He gently pulled you into him a little as he picked up his pace in the kiss. He began kissing down your neck and once again he sucked on the same sore spots as before. A little moan escaped your mouth as he ran his hand down the back of your leg, swiftly touching your bottom. He positioned himself on top of you between your legs. You felt his length press against your inner thigh through his sweatpants. You felt yourself already growing impatient.

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