Happy 420 ~ Creamy Cinnamon Cream Cheese Cookies + Cannabutter

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NEW ALERT – LIVE VIDEO: KillerCook ~ 420 joint sesh

You fumble to press play on your screen device. It's your favorite time of the day! A new KillerCook upload. The sound of laughter fills your ears as you see KillerCook, PunkNeverDied69, Scream_Maim_Fire, and FlamingHot420 sitting on bean bags in the kitchen. They were passing around an item that was censored but the smoke in the air and the date was enough to determine what was happening. You sigh, you only wish you could share something that touched their lips.

"Hey guys, KillerCook and the Crew here for a new kind of format. We had some 420 friendly goodies pre-prepared for quality assurance review but uhhh... during our preliminary taste test we got overzealous and uhhh well now we're baked! So instead, I'll post the recipes real quick for you and pin them to the top. Then we'll be reading aloud some questions you all have had and top comments that made us chuckle."

The others laughed in the background, waving multiple bakes goods and censored items in the air. They all looked zoned out and relaxed. KillerCook was without his apron or hair net but he still looked damn good in his jeans and tight-fitting shirt. PunkNeverDied69 was wearing loose joggers and a half-cropped band shirt with ripped sleeves and safety pins tucked on the collar; you were absolutely not drooling in private as you ogled his bare abs. Scream_Maim_Fire was wearing a dark hoodie vest, showing off muscular arms, but his long legs remained a mystery hidden behind sweatpants. FlamingHot420 looked the most bake compared to all of them. His eyes were hazy and red, his face pretty flushed and his head sort of lolled in agreement even in the silent moments. He was cute looking in his basketball shorts and jersey, his gorgeous blue locks pulled backwards in a bun.

A ping on your phone goes off and you see that KillerCook posted the recipes to the message board. The first was a recipe for cannabutter. The same cannabutter that was listed in the THC cookie recipe – a recipe for cream filled mini-cookie sandwiches. You took screenshots of the recipes to try out for yourself later.

KillerCook presented to the camera a cold butter dish filled with an almost amber looking block of what you presumed was the cannabutter.

"It does smell a bit strong of TCH but just use a tight-seal cover and it won't be an issue," he explained.

Then he presented a platter of the aforementioned cream-filled mini-cookie sandwiches. The cookies themselves were cinnamon cream cheese and the frosting in the center was vanilla. Both infused with the cannabutter making it a higher dosage of edible than the typical standard.

"Anyways, Heat complained they weren't hitting fast enough. Four cookies an hour and a half later and he was zonked out. He had two more cookies before we went live and now we have this," KillerCook pointed to the blue haired man.

"Four now," Heat giggled as he popped another cookie in his mouth.

"Jesus Christ man, don't forget to drink water."

KillerCook himself did not eat any cookies but he did smoke out of a hilariously long pipe. Like Gandalf the Grey once had.

"Puff puff, so sorry I can't do my normal baking and flexing routing but we thought we could still enjoy the holiday for a little bit with your favorite fans. We'll be opening the reward tiers to questions and comments for 10 minutes and the highly voted ones will be chosen to be read aloud. They can be addressed to anyone in this group. We won't answer any highly inappropriate ones so don't waste your coins on those – or do, I get paid either way!" He smoked and explained.

Kid finished his turn with the joint before taking over. "For now, we're going to go through some questions we've received in the past that we want to answer. If a top message gets answered by any of these questions, another message has an opportunity gets chosen. Since today is a national holiday of which we highly enjoy partaking in, today's live is only 30 minutes before we dip."

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