Grilled Meats

180 13 43

If you're a fan of King of the Hill, you might find a familiar line🤭


Killer directed and organized the tributes the crew had brought to his shared house with Kid, Wire and Heat. Today's live stream was going to be a special one - the weather had finally gotten warmer for longer and their unused pool needed some TLC. So did Killer's Summit E-470 propane powered grill.

His beloved cooking space.

Shaking his head excitedly, he finished typing up the recipe list he planned to pin on the live stream's chat board. Everyone brought their own side dish, dessert, or drink specials. Killer only planned to show off cooking meat on the grill. That was easy enough to instruct on air compared to the delicious smorgasbord of food that was piling all over his kitchen.

Drooling at the overwhelming smells, he helped carry the food outside. Sneakily taking small bites out of the Hawaiian macaroni salad, watermelon feta salad, and a whole pollo asado taco, he began setting up the camera equipment.

"Alright is everyone set and comfortable? Starting the live stream in 5 minutes!"

The crew shouted out in acknowledgement before resuming their laid-back activities. A party's a party after all.

Rocking the, quite frankly, sluttiest pair of low-rise swim trunks that really only served to cover his goods. They were blue of course. Killer pulled his hair into a high ponytail and waited on his housemates to bring out the meats and beer. A blue and white striped face mask was covering his lower face.

Kid brought out the steaks and burgers. He was wearing obnoxious yellow swim shorts that stopped at his lower thighs. In equally tacky theme, a cartoon rooster was displayed in the center of the shorts with dialogue off to the side. It read: Don't stare at my cock.

God's be damned, Killer wanted to beat him up.

Wire stepped out in a speedo that was entirely too natural looking on him, walking with grace that one wouldn't have thought the tall man had at all. However, it wouldn't be Wire if he wasn't wearing some type of netting - a fishnet crop top covered his broad chest.

Heat, always copying/inspired by Wire's fashion sense, was also wearing a fishnet crop top in blue with matching swim trunks.

The assignment was simple -look ridiculously ripped, as possibly allowable without violating TikTok's guidelines and terms of service. So far they were all in line with the rules, but as always the risk lied with Kid. Killer glared at the text on swimsuit and considered kicking the redhead in the dick for always acting like one.

Heat handed the grill master his apron: a simple blue cover with pockets, with a custom jolly roger embroidered in the center. The symbol resembled Killer's mask with two scythes crossing behind it. A small chef's hat hung off the skull's head.

"Thanks Heat you did an amazing job!"

Going Live In...



"Hey everyone, KillerCook here with a special episode of Faffaffaffa-Food with Killer. Today, we're having a pool party~ And every good pool party is composed of three important elements: food, drink, and fun. Drop a 'hey!' in the chat to all of our co-workers and friends!"

The i-pad was going off with all the pinging notifications from viewers trying to say hello. In the background, the crew began cheering and hollering, pushing each other into the pool and going back to their conversations as Killer dived back into his show.

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