Birthday Cake

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Happy birthday to me, to Wire, and to my Kid Pirate Stan-mate QuinLoki ♥ Let them eat cake!

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"Oi! Make sure you have the travel packs ready to go! These need to cool at a consistent temperature or they'll be ruined, and then I'll ruin your face!" Killer instructed Heat, stressed about the day's Live TikTok stream.

Normally he wouldn't sweat over a stream but today was a big day. Huge one. Been a busy month for him. So many people he knew personally had birthdays in July. Nami and Paulie's birthdays had already passed, and his actual in real life friends too, not to mention Wire and Nojiko had birthdays coming up as well.

Today though. Whew. Today was the birthday of a friend near and dear to his heart. To everyone in the crew, and pretty much anyone who knew them.


She didn't ask for a cake but they said they were doing it anyways. He only brought out the fancy decorating tool set for desserts he took seriously, and Raven was close enough in his orbit that he was going to do something nice for her. A classic favorite of hers with some extra pizzazz.

"Here we go," Wire muttered as he finished setting the ring lights and camera up. "You know you don't have to do one for me right?"

"Are you kidding me dude?! Its your birthday! Everyone gets cake on their birthday, no exceptions."

"You guys are already taking me on a two-week cruise!"

"Fuck yeah we are bro!" Kid barreled into the kitchen, recently promoted to baker's not-assistant but equal partner/Cake Boss. Kid himself was shockingly adept at baking cake. Especially the box kind. "You deserve it. We all do! A nice vacation getaway, us and the crew."

"Yeah yeah we're nice guys. Shut up and get out of the frame. I'm still making cake for you," Killer finished the layout of his tools, prepped the baking sheets and pans, pre-heated the oven, brought all ingredients to room temperature, and everything was in place.

"Why so nervous Kill? It's just cake," Kid's brow bone became pronounced against his scarred skin, raised inquisitively.

"Their opinions matter to me!" Killer practically hissed out.

"The audience?"

"No dummy! Our recipients!"

Kid laughed, "Dude, no way be serious. It's Raven and our TikTok friend, the most laid back people in the world."

For some reason that resonated with Killer and he took some calming breaths. Gratefully drank the can of ginger ale Kid brought him.

"It's just, I'm a perfectionist. I know it. It needs to be done just right!"

"Dude, preaching to the choir," Kid thumped his back.

"Speaking of...did you finish the present?"

Kid stopped his reassuring back pats, "Don't fucking talk to me. I'm going with plan b."

Biting back snarky laughter, Killer dusted his apron, double checked his low ponytail, and straightened his helmet one last time before pressing the 'Go Live' button, muttering a quick, "Don'tfuckupdon'tfuckdon'tfuckup," under his breath.

"Hello everyone, Killer here," raising a hand in the air, the short cut of his plain shirt showed off his swollen bicep. He and Kid had worked out an hour before going live, to look ready. "Coming at you live with a trifecta of desserts. Well trifecta of cakes anyways. Everyone seems to be born in July so as a time honored tradition, I've been baking my ass off. I never make as much cake as I do during the summer months, y'alls parents got BUSY."

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