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TikTok - KillerCook has uploaded a new video. Check it out!

Description: This ain't your regularly scheduled programming punks!
5 minute video. The thumbnail is a shadowed figure with a menacing looking 'X' mark over the body.

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The video began with what appeared to be a hostage situation.

KillerCook was tied to a chair with rope and chains, a blindfold over his helmet and duct tape adhered to most of his face holes.

"Uhh, this isn't what it looks like," Killer was able to voice out from behind the bondage.

"No, it's exactly what it looks like," barked Kid as he stepped into the frame. "This effin idiot was gonna make content on HIS birthday. Not in my house. Today is technically Killer's birthday but we're kidnapping - shut the hell up - him so he can actually let his hair down for once in his life."

Heat stepped into the frame on Killer's opposite side, "Originally, we were gonna take over the channel and cook for him. BUT, Kid had a light-bulb moment and we developed a scheme to treat the birthday man. You all will be seeing this next week, but rest assured, we've got it covered. Wish Killer a happy birthday in the comments and he'll read them all when we come back!"

Wire came from behind the camera shaking a can of whipped cream, stepping menacingly towards Killer. Aiming the nozzle into one of the helmet holes, he pressed down on the can until Killer began thrashing, white whipped cream oozed from behind the taped holes. "THIS IS FOR THROWING FOOD AT ME ALL YEAR!"

The video transitioned to a blue and white screen with a traditional birthday melody laid over it.

A slideshow of videos and still-shot frames from Killer's birthday kidnapping started playing.

Killer's hostage-wear stayed on as the crew drove to the marina, where a punk-looking yacht was moored. The bow of the ship was adorned with a skeletal body, and there were blue and red flames painted to the sides of the hull. Black cursive spelled out the beauty's name - Victoria Punk.

"The bag over the helmet is really pointless, I know where we are," Killer's muffled complaint went ignored as he was marched up the boarding plank.

About 30 pictures went by with various crew members and friends posing with hostage Killer; one photo had him wearing a beer helmet over the bag over his helmet, the straws tucked underneath all the materials to give Killer some libation.

Finally liberated, Killer - dressed down into swim trunks and his helmet - took a running leap off the yacht to cannonball into the sea. As he resurfaced, the rest of the crew cannonballed after him, created a wave of water to shower down on him and the camera, which promptly died.


Kid's pissed-off scowl came into focus as he adjusted the new camera perspective, "{Redacted} idiots killed my phone instead of using the {redacted} GoPro."

The next clip showed Killer relaxing with a beer bottle in hand, laying against a giant pizza slice pool float as people drifted by him, playing in the water. All was calm until Quincy, Bubblegum, and Heat swam underneath the float and flipped it over. When Killer broke the surface, the laughter tripled as his hair was plastered all over his helmet and chest, but his beer-bottle was still in one of the face holes.

"There's sea water in my beer," he said flatly.

A new clip had a heavy metal anthem roaring in the background as the yacht was sailing at high speed on the open ocean. Killer was standing on the bow, holding a Scottish flag, and thrashing his hair to the music.

More photos of the crew and Killer celebrating his birthday with drinking games, strength competitions, and gorging on fresh seafood flooded the TikTok video. Amongst the main crew and personal friends, there were also members of the Straw Hat crew, and even some 'frenemy' rivals that had been spoken of but not ever invited on to the KillerCook channel before. By the time the lighting in the photos grew darker, Killer's helmet had been exchanged for a face mask and his cerulean eyes were noticeably glossy.

"Hap-hic-happy birthday, Kill, -hic- the best-{redacted}-friend a punk could-hic ask for," slurred Kid as he gripped Killer's shoulder. Both men swayed as a cake was brought out to the main deck. Sunset had long passed, the yacht was brightly lit up with swarms of bulbs on strings that hung tastefully along the walls and railings.

Everyone began to sing the birthday song and Killer might have shed a tear, shoving a palm roughly to his face.

"{Redacted}-A, I don't even know what to say," Killer drawled out. "All I was going to do was make a small cake and smoke my pipe. You {redacted} are so good to me. Well, not all of you, but I like most of yah. Some I don't know how you got invited, seriously. But I'm glad you're here celebrating anyways. I don't have a wish to make, truly. I've got everything, everyone. So thanks. Alright I'm not going to get mushy on all you freeloaders!" Killer ripped off his face mask.

With deep-purple stained lips, Killer's gorgeous smile shined brightly as he took a gulp of air and blew out the sparkler-flame candles. The party participants roared in celebration at the same time an airhorn started blowing off-screen.

The camera quickly panned to the culprit of the sound. A modest sized cruise ship with a flag waving proudly on the masts pulled up portside. On the side of the hull it's name was proudly presented: The Baratie. The camera's change in perspective did not allow for viewers to see who let out the strangled, high-pitched scream of excitement.

Sanji was clutching Killer's soldiers and babbling incoherently before jumping into the water, swimming towards the restaurant ship.

Hands covering his face, Killer sobbed out, "I'm so fucking happy!! LET'S EAT!!!!"

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