Brick Oven Pizza

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Title: Brick Oven Pizza
Description: My blue haired assistant and I make some pizza. Easy enough recipe that even a child can do it. What's your favorite pizza topping? Wrong answers only!

*Press Play*

"Hey there everyone! KillerCook here with one of my best buds – you all know him as FlamingHot420 – I refer to him as just Heat. Say hi Heat!" Killer waved to the camera, gently nudging a flustered Heat to do the same.

Abandoning the loc he had been twisting nervously in his hands, Heat dropped one and raised the other to say hello. Both hands behind his back as he let Killer do his introduction.

Heat's stance allowed for his shoulders and biceps to be more pronounced, not on purpose of course, but noticeable all the same. The light shined on the two sets of thick, black thorn tattoos that ran down his arms, connecting to the ones that wrapped around his throat in three coils. His long, black muscle tank top made his muscles pop, though the fabric covered far too much of his figure as it draped over his pants. The way he was standing did not allow for viewers to appreciate his figure from the side.

"Today, Heat is my assistant as we make brick oven pizzas. Don't fret though, Kid will be here later to taste test still."

Heat rolled his eyes, "Killer remind me, is this your social media account or his?"

Killer coughed, "To be determined. Moving on! Heat would you mind telling us why we're making the 'zzas this way instead of the traditional oven method?"

The helmeted man walked away from the counter to set up the prepping area in the background as Heat spoke, albeit still nervously, to the audience.

"When using a brick oven, the confined space and coals bring out a smokey and distinct, sweet flavor as it cooks the pizza. Roasting it over fire helps bring out the sugars in the dough and sauce, making the crust and toppings nice and crispy when fully done."

Walking back to the camera and microphone, Killer added, "Obviously we didn't think it was practical to build and house a brick oven in our kitchen. So we built one outside! With it being disgustingly humid with a chance of casual thunderstorms during the summer, we've opted to create our pies inside before taking them out back to bake. Being inside is the only safe space from mosquitos."

Heat nodded in agreement, "They always target me for some reason!"

Pinging notifications went off and both men leaned in together to read them.

"CalzonesAreMid: says, 'Brick oven pizza is elite. You'll have to post photos of the set up!' Thank you, and we will post follow up content this week to showcase the food and the oven. I'm real proud of the work the four of us did," Killer beamed privately.

Heat cleared his throat, "ItsEtymologyOClock: says, 'Aww Heat they target you because you must have sweet blood!'" he blushed. "Actually, there are scientifically backed reasons why mosquitoes target certain people and not others, but I don't remember all of what it said. I do remember that only female mosquitos bite and its because they're seeking protein in order to lay their eggs. It's creepy, violating, and fascinating," he mused. "What?" he asked when he noticed Killer's head tilt at him.

"This isn't 'Heat's Weird Facts About Bugs hour,' it's KillerCook time. Let's shift from sweet tasting blood to marinara sauce."

Tying his apron behind his back, Killer's chino capri pants hugged his rounded bottom as he tightened the strings over his hips. Wearing a V-neck cut shirt, short blond body hair peeped from the free space, while his muscles strained against the cotton material. As he pulled his hair back, his arms bulged with his movements; his scarred arm seemed bulkier on camera, especially as he expertly twisted his wrist and wrapped his hair into a massive bun. Placing a hair net over it, Killer shot finger guns to the camera.

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