The Present - Twenty-One

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A/N: I'm backk!!!! Here are a couple things you need to know:

I am re-writing Loving Him and Losing Him. There are elements to the war and the plot that are changing. Lavishing Him - The Present will reflect some of those changes so I won't have to rewrite the story from this point. It won't make it difficult to pick up on the plot because the essential points are the same, just details are shifting (i.e. it's not all humans that they are at war with but terrorist groups).

The points of view will change each chapter from Cal to Brynn. It will be quite obvious but there will also be an indication at the beginning of each chapter.

And lastly, Brynn has a dick.


Chapter Twenty-One


She was late again.

It was the third time this week. She knew. She knew it was coming...why would she just...?

Frustrated and hot, I curled around her pillow, inhaling her scent as the madness ate away at my sanity. Slowly chipping away pieces of time and reality until the black spots in my vision became cinematography I was forced to consume.

"Fuck," I hissed, nails digging into my arms. The bites of pain allow brief moments of clarity, a distraction from the burning desire that threatened to tear me apart.

"Brynn," I rasped.

She couldn't hear me. She wasn't here.

She was away on "Alpha Business". Sure, she told me where she was, what she was doing, and who she was with. It was a lot more than any of the other Omegas were allowed to know thanks to the Elders' gag order, but it didn't make it any better because at the end of the day, she was still at their beck and call.

There was no freedom, not for Wolves, not for Omegas, not for them. Now with everything that happened with the Humans, the Elders held an even tighter leash, running the Alphas in charge ragged. I'd seen the others, despite not having to live with them anymore. They were past exhaustion.

I hated the bags under Brynn's eyes whenever she came late. How she left early, before the sun had risen, for her patrol runs and meetings. I hated the gauntness that feasted on her once round cheeks.

But I hated that they took her from me the most.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

I couldn't hold back any longer, reaching down to fist my cock. The moment my hand made contact I practically cried out in pain. The sensation was too intense. Too much and all the same not enough. It wasn't right because it wasn't her.

With desperation, my hips rose, presenting to an Alpha who wasn't there. Slick flooded my hole, begging to be filled. Reaching behind me, I slipped two fingers inside at once, curling them into the silken heat, crying out into the pillow as I imagined it was Brynn holding me.

I imagined her callused hands, hardened muscles, soft breasts, thick, pulsing cock. I wanted it.

"Fuck me, Alpha," I pleaded, though the words were bitter, as I buried my face into her pillow again. My fingers worked in and out faster as my cock thrusted in my other.

Not enough.

A door slammed in the distance and I practically ran, ripping my hands away, stumbling toward the noise.

Her scent.

It was everywhere. Pheremones flooding the space as she scented my own. Searching for me.

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