The Present - Thirty

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Chapter 30 - BRYNN


This was a pleasant development in the midst very unpleasant things.

I hadn't meant to tell him now. It just sort of...came out. But him being okay with it, well that was something I hadn't expected. Maybe Phil was right, I need to stop catering so much to his comfort zone and push him–in a healthy way of course–out of it.

We had made progress, major progress. It was a win that had me giddy inside despite our current situation that was riddled with danger and the unknown. I mean, we were literally packing our bags with no idea when we'd return, yet I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

Cal was in the kitchen, going through our food to see if we could give some over to the Community so it wouldn't go to waste. When I had finished packing up our clothes and necessities, managing to fit them into two duffle bags, I brought them downstairs and left them in the foyer. When the time came, we'd be all ready to go.

Sneaking up behind Cal as he packed some food in a bag, I wrapped my arms around his waist, admiring the way it curved out.

Lust roared through me, bringing forth instincts and desires I had buried down for so long. Things I didn't allow myself to feel because I knew Cal wasn't ready. But now? Now that progress had been made? I couldn't help the need. Noticing every perfect slope and curve of him, and how beautiful he'd look round and full with my litter.

My cock throbbed against my jeans, pressing against him, desperate to shove my way in his ass and find home.

Cal froze for a moment, clearly feeling me, then snorted before continuing.

"Domesticity getting you in the mood, huh? Like seeing me handle food in the kitchen? Or whatever it is the humans say?"

I growled and playfully nipped his ear before whispering, "I think it's more of the "barefoot and pregnant" saying that's got me going."

Cal tossed his head back and laughed loudly, eyes sparkling as the setting sun hit them. Goddess, he was so damn beautiful when he laughed. When he smiled. When he was happy.

I never wanted him to be anything else.

"Practicing for the human world, are we?" He mused, tying up the bag.

"How else are we supposed to fit in? Their problems are now our problems," I chuckled.

A darkness flashed over his gaze, but it was brief. "Yeah, I suppose they are."

I pressed my hips forward, reminding him of the cause of our banter and hopefully distracting him from whatever it was that brought him out of it.

"Brynn..." he warned.

"Yes, my beauty?"

"I'm trying to finish this," he murmured, getting distracted as I rolled my hips.

I glanced over at the tied bag then smirked. "Looks like you're already finished, sweet."

Cal opened his mouth to protest, but I had slid my hands down his hips and gripped his thickening cock. He gasped, falling forward to clutch the countertop, head bowing as his hips naturally pushed back into my erection.

"Fuck, Brynn," he moaned. "We–"

I leaned close, whispering in his ear, "I'll pull out, I promise."

Cal's shoulders trembled, fingers gripped the counter's edge with such ferocity, his already pale knuckles had gone even whiter.

I hummed in amusement before planting kisses along his shoulders, down his spine, until I had lowered myself to my knees behind him. His plump ass pushed right in my face. After unbuttoning his jeans and pulling down his zipper, I managed to tug his pants and briefs down his hips, down his thighs, past his knees, and to the floor.

With a light tap of instruction, I guided him out of them, tossing them somewhere behind me. Now, he was bare to me.

The sun painted his skin in a beautiful haze of reds and purples. Highlighting the dimples in his lower back, the perfect roundness of his ass, and the slim meadow of his thighs.

"You are so damn beautiful, Caleb," I whispered before leaning forward to claim him. My teeth sunk into the flesh of his right ass cheek. Cal moaned.

Giving the left cheek the same attention, I bathed the red marks with my tongue, planting kisses in my wake.

"Brynn, Brynn, please," Cal whimpered.

I loved when he got like this, so needy and honest, when his guard was completely down. I'd never take advantage of it, I'll protect him always.

"What do you want, beloved?" I whispered, though I knew. I knew from the way he wiggled his hips, from the slick that dripped down his thighs.

"You know," he snapped. I laughed.

"Then spread 'em."

He complied without hesitation, gripping his red and love-bitten ass cheeks to reveal his pink blushing hole that glistened and twitched and begged for the attention I wasn't giving it.

A hungry rumble vibrated in my chest as I leaned forward to lick a stripe up his bud. He cried out but I couldn't focus on the sound when the delicious taste of him had my nipples hardening into peaks.

Fuck, he tasted amazing.

Feasting on him like a woman starved, I didn't relent. I licked and laved, pushing my tongue into the tight ring of muscle, cupping my breasts to prevent myself from reaching for my cock. I'd come too soon, I couldn't risk that.

"Fuck, Brynn, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna–"

Cal couldn't finish his words as a scream tore from his throat and his thighs quivered. His cum painted the cabinet doors, sliding down obscenely.

Perfect. This was perfect. He was perfect.

I hurried to stand, supporting his weight as he nearly crumpled. With my free hand, I released my throbbing cock and slid home.

Cal choked, body nearly vibrating with pleasure. Drool cresting the corner of his mouth as his gaze went unfocused.

His warmth hugged me so tight, begged me to stay.

I wouldn't leave. Never. I'd never leave him.

I needed him.

"Fuck, I love you so much, Cal. I've loved you for years," I whispered along his neck, fighting myself to remain still, to relish in this moment, this release of finally being able to say it. Of finally not holding back. "I love you," I chanted over and over again.

Each time, Cal's spent cock, jolted, letting out another squirt of cum. Thinner and thinner until he was practically dry.

Only then did I finally bend him fully over and fuck him in earnest. Each thrust took us both to a world we'd been so afraid to explore before.

Each pulse of his walls around me and my cock in response was a promise of forever.

"I love you," I growled, right before pulling out and spilling on his back.

Panting after the orgasm, I fought to catch my breath. My cock softened in my hand slowly, as I massaged my knot.

Cal's lower half glistened with my cum, some even staining the bottom of his shirt. His thighs were quivering as he remained in position. When I could finally breathe again, I tugged the edges of his shirt up, his arms following soundlessly then used it to wipe him clean.

I noticed his shoulders shaking.

Concern bled through the post-orgasmic haze. I peeked over his shoulder and saw the glittering tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Cal? Did I hurt you? What's wrong?" I asked, immediately worried.

When he didn't say anything, I was ready to whisk him away to Talon, but then his lips moved.

With a watery smile and just barely above a whisper.

"Thank you."

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