The Present - Twenty-Three

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I was still in bed by the time Brynn got home. It was well into the afternoon. I should have been up, knocking out some of the chores, and I had to prepare for the Howling, but any time I tried to move, my body just wouldn't move.

Post heat exhaustion still held me firm in it's grip. It seemed like the years were making it tougher to bounce back. As much as I tried to hide it from Brynn, she was going to notice eventually. Then she'd drag me to Talon.

I'd asked Sherry about it before, so I wouldn't be surprised if Talon already knew. Sherry mentioned that it may be linked to my scent disruption and high stress levels. He kept telling me to talk to Brynn about it, to find a way to release all the anger and pain that has been building and festering inside me, but there was no way.

I would not expose myself like that. Not to anyone. It was a weakness. Letting someone in that close meant that they had power over me and my vulnerabilities. I vowed to myself not to let someone take my power away, not again.

If being this way meant I was a slave to my past, well then, at least it was my past. If I was going to bow to anyone, it was going to be myself, however dark it may be.

Brynn walked in the room just as I tried to sit up, head aching painfully with the movement. A silent protest to anything other than sleep.

"You alright?" She asked, coming to sit down on the bed beside me. Her hand went to my back as she easily helped me into a sitting position. Her strength just as unassuming as her smile. Rarely showed but always there.

"Just tired," I croaked, throat parched from all the screaming. At least this time it had been from pleasure and not the nightmares that made an appearance on occasion.

She stroked my hair back, what little fell forward. It was getting too long again, I needed to cut it.

"I miss your long hair," she murmured.

I froze, shrinking away from her touch.

Her eyes tracked the movement in that predatory way she could never quite shake. It was just her nature as a dominant Alpha.

"Don't get lost in your head, Cal. I love the short hair too. No matter how you wear your hair, you know I think you look beautiful." Her fingers slid down to my chin where a little stubble had grown. Her bright blue eyes lowered to my lips as a hazy look entered them. "So damn beautiful."

I shivered. The last dregs of my heat firing up at the promise in those words, in her gaze. But my ass was sore.

Pulling away, I looked to the nightstand where there was a glass of water. I hadn't noticed her bring it in.

With shaky fingers, I rushed to grab it, taking a few soothing gulps before setting it back down, ignoring the intensity of her stare.

Not backing down, her hand came up again, swiping a small droplet from my bottom lip. My heart stuttered as a familiar need for her started to outweigh any of my hesitations.

The silence was heavy...charged. She leaned in closer, the roundness of her cheeks, intensity of her brow, fullness of her lips, it was all I could see. My own lips parted in awe. It wasn't me who was beautiful. It was her. It was always her.

Just as I leaned in to close the distance, she pulled away. Both of us ignoring the slightly sour tang in my scent.

She knew my thoughts, like always.

"Did you eat yet?" She asked, standing up, and swiftly changing the subject. I gulped, trying to compose myself, pushing a pillow over the tenting blanket.

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