The Present - Thirty-Eight

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A/N: Sorry for the delay, it was supposed to autopost but I think I messed that up somehow. Anyways, enjoy!


It was a blessing and curse, traveling with mated Alphas. I could only hope they had themselves under control, because I really didn't want to have to kill any of my friends.

Being mated protected them from the brunt of an Omega's heat pheromones, but me...well I got all of it.

Still, I held myself back, kept myself under control as I held him on my lap, cradling him as he shivered.

He'd been acting weird, but still, I didn't think he would hide it from me, not give me any idea that it was coming. Early at that.

Was he worried that I would leave him behind? That I wouldn't take him with me when I left the Community?

"Heats can come on suddenly, especially when the bond is stressed," Sherry murmured softly to me, as if reading my mind. "It is likely he didn't know."

I knew that was meant to be comforting, but it only served to increase my anxiety. Here I thought we were doing well and now I'm realizing we've been so off it pushed him into heat early. And we still didn't have a solution.

"I don't even know if the suppressants have left my system, how do I know if it's safe to knot him? Not to mention we still aren't ready to have pups."

"I may have a temporary solution," Sherry said, but the coloring that flushed his light brown cheeks told me how scandalous it may be. "I'll explain later."

He gave Talon a meaningful look. One that the Alpha returned.

I wanted to push, to demand they told me what they knew and how to help my mate, but said mate whimpered, shifting closer until his hot nose was pressed into my neck, the shivering worse now. I held him closer, pressing him against my skin while running my fingers through his baby soft hair.

Now was not the time or place. I could trust both Talon and Sherry. They cared for Cal too and wouldn't do anything without his best interests at the forefront. Not to mention that they are both brilliant. If there was anyone who could come up with a plan, it was them. A pair that smart ought to be dangerous together.

Though I guess the same could be said about Cal and I. A pairing this ruthless would certainly be dangerous.

It's why we're so perfect for each other.

Cal groaned, hips shifting as he tried to create friction between us, between his thighs, but I held him too tightly for it to be effective.

When his hand shot down to his pants, I grabbed his wrist to stop him. If he gets started in here, he wasn't going to be able to stop until he got a knot. It would just be amplifying the torture.

Instead, though I knew it wasn't that much more relieving, I tilted his head back with a hand firm against his throat, tucked right under his jaw and kissed him. Open mouthed and tongue invading until he melted against me.

I swallowed every mewl and moan, ignoring how uncomfortable it must have made the others. No way they didn't understand. All of them have been here. Maybe not under these exact circumstances, but I can recall every single last one of their mates going into unexpected heats. Sherry included.

They knew the desperation of an Omega in heat. They knew how important it was to keep them from crossing over the edge. If I had to knot him here in this car to prevent any mutilation or...attempts, I would. Pups be damned. We'd get over that hurdle when it came time for it, but it wouldn't if he wasn't there to experience it.

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