Prologue 1

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"You have got to be kidding me," Avory complained as they darted into the extraction vehicle.

"I said I was sorry!" the small voice of their new recruit exclaimed.

"Where's River?" Avory demanded.

"She said she was 'dealing' with something," the timid voice answered.

"Ugg, this is why we don't work with recruits," grumbled Avory. "Nelson, turn around, River still needs extraction," she commanded their driver.

The three were currently in an armored black van with tinted windows.

They rounded the corner as an explosion was heard.

Avory glared at the recruit.

"Did you seriously just detonate that?" she demanded.

The poor recruit shrunk further in his seat.

Before Avory could vaporize him for his failures however, the driver turned a sharp corner, and the door swung open.

"I'll deal with you later," Avory promised, grumbling as she jumped out of the moving vehicle. "Nelson, I'll be back in five, be in position," she instructed the driver.

As she rolled out of the car into a crouching position she stood up and calmly walked through the panicked crowd. A crowd that was running in the opposite direction.

She readied several metal daggers that floated out of her vest.

The spinning knives gave her a wide buble in the crowd as she passed.

"And this is what happens when you get the LIGHTS involved," she noted to herself.

Avory entered the 'crime scene' of sorts and found her best friend, and current mission partner, battling a LIGHTS operative.

A familiar one with short straight blond hair, charole eyes, and wearing a gray and black costume.

Her self proclaimed nemesis.

Or at least one of them.

Riviera Grey had several self-proclaimed nemeses, though the vigilante she was currently fighting was one she did acknowledge as a decent opponent.

Not that the telepath had anything on the daughter of one of the ten highest ranking families in the Midnight Sea mafia.

Not only trained practically from birth, she also seemed to have her parents' abilities in an even more potent form.

With what seemed like her father's persuasion and her mother's manipulation of water, she'd earned the nickname 'Siren' from the vigilantes. Though no one really knew how she seemed to have two abilities.

As previously mentioned, the LIGHTS were a group of vigilantes. They worked with the SPD and within the bounds of morals and most laws.

While the Midnight Sea does have a formal structure as well as some common moral codes in their illegal activities, they're not often considered 'good guys'. Though they can't be taken down easily in a sense of law, seeing as they have hoards of lawyers ready to cover up whatever might need to be.

"Picking a fight without me I see," Avory noted, as she entered the battlefield.

"This won't take long," Riviera commented, her unique hair covered by a dark navy hood.

While capes generally weren't a very logical or safe fashion decision, un-tied cloaks were incredibly common in the city's underground.

While Riviera was widely known for her naturally silver hair, over the years she'd done her best to make it look like it was anything but natural.

Beneath the silver roots, the majority of her hair was dyed a shiny navy color and the tips and aquamarine blue that nearly matched her greenish blue eyes.

The vigilante she was fighting was known as Currents, and was descended from two well-known 'superheroes'.

"Calling for assistance," He commented, "Not usually your style," he noted.

"You say that like you don't have backup sitting on the roof of that building, aiming a green energy gun at me," Riviera snarked, "Not exactly your style either," she smirked.

The blond boy gave an exasperated sigh.

"He was supposed to be with my partner," he grumbled.

"Speaking of, where is your soft little partner?" Avory asked, smiling. An unnerving expression on her.

"He was supposed to be babysitting," the 'hero' grumbled.

"I feel that," Riviera agreed, pointing a thumb at her friend, "Avory and I are technically supposed to be having a recruit tag along as well," she noted.

"Huge mistake," Avory added.

Riviera nodded in agreement.

"Shall we get to it then?" Asked the telepath.

The three got in position to fight right as sirens started going off.

"Schist," Avory hissed under her breath.

"Looks like we'll have to postpone this skirmish for another day," Riviera noted. "Chao Onyx," she said, her voice melodic and echo-y.

It was clear that she was using one of her powers there but the vigilante didn't know why. It was only moments after that he realized though.

She said his real name, but did so in a way that only he would notice that she said Onyx instead of Currents.

Steven Onyx froze, momentarily unnerved.

Before the closely approaching wail of police cars caught his attention. He grabbed his grappling hook gun and shot into the air just in time.

The SPD was now on scene to deal with the damages. Seeing as how the criminals got away, and their 'resources' had evacuated too, leaving no one to question, the cops simply did their job and helped organize the chaos.

There was no concrete evidence of who exactly was in the fight, other than several panicked eye witnesses, so Chief Frost, the chief of the Special Division Police had no concrete evidence to hold any party responsible.

Her nice Blanche, however, had found a lovely lead on just who might have caused all the damage.

Despite all cameras within several blocks being taken out by an EMT, and all hard evidence destroyed, the niece of the SPD leader happened to have a drone flying high above it all, with an incredibly powerful camera.

It was just out of range of the EMT which meant the footage was incredibly poor, however, she could still make out a distinct gray and black costume as well as a navy cloaked figure with something blue peeking out of the hood.

The figure with the black cloak was less original, but the swirling silver points gave her away. Same for the brown haired vigilante with the glowing green gun.

Currents, Siren, Iron, and Sniper had been on that battlefield.

Not that this fact proved anything, as the explosions quickly covered them all up.

But it was still a much better lead than the SPD had, and Blanche was determined to solve this 'case' on her own.

It was about time she proved how perceptive she was. 

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