10 - Alexis Lavine

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"Aren't I too old to go, Trick-Or-Treat-ing?" I asked Gram just after I changed into my super-cool-knight costume. It had this chainmail like fabric and gray plastic armor. I even had a silvery plastic broadsword that actually had some weight to it. (Like a baseball bat.) though it wasn't really sharp at all. (Unfortunately.)

Not that I didn't love free candy, but I was starting high school now, and Trick-Or-Treat-ing is just for kids.

"I don't see why not," Gram noted. "I mean Carter's coming too. He wouldn't shut up about tagging along."

"Hmm..." I said thoughtfully. (Really poetic, right?)

While I contemplated how stupid I'd look, Titus came out of the bathroom in his superhero costume.

He had on black leggins and a navy t-shirt with a big red cape trailing behind him. (And not the kind Hero's wear, the kind people in comic books do, that are sewed into their shirts and apparently can be dangerous.)

"Nice kid," Gram complimented, "I see you didn;t let anyone convince you of dressing up as them, huh?" he smiled.

Titus shrugged.

Gram was wearing a costume that looked like a military uniform. (And looked pretty legit too. I'll have to ask him about that later.)

The door seemed to slam open, and blaring music suddenly came into Gram's apartment.

In came the one and only Carter, with what he later explained was 90s fashion, and a huge speaker that he said was a juice-box or something. (I thought juice boxes were like actual juice boxes, why is his speaker called a 'jukebox'?)

Whatever, some old-timey stuff I guess.

(Though I think my costume is more old-timey than his.)

"Wassssup?" he asked, trying to rap his greeting. "Who's ready to have some funnn tonight?"

Titus laughed a little, in a good humored way though.

"You look stupid," I informed him.

Gram nodded in agreement, "And sound it too,"

"Mean and mean," he complained, addressing each of us.

"Come on Titus, let's go and leave these vibe killers behind," he said, fake pouting.

"Vibe killers?" I asked Gram, who just sighed.

"Let's go," he said, following Carter and Titus out the door.

"Look at all the candy we got!" Carter explained, "It's only been like fifteen minutes, usually we don't even get this much in two hours and have to get candy from the store" he complained.

"Yeah, Trick-Or-Treat-ing with actual kids as opposed to two adult teens being weird and acting like kids, who'd have thought," Gram muttered sarcastically.

Carter waved him off, "Stop being such a pessimist for once and have fun," he told him. "Live a little."

Gram just sighed as the four of us walked up to the next house.

"Um, I think there's a party or something going on here," I said nervously.

"Sweet!" Carter exclaimed, "Come on Gram, this is where the fun really starts," he said, dashing off towards the front door.

"Carter wait-" he started to say but the three of us were already at the door.

"Trick-Or-Treat!" we cheered when the door opened.

The door opened to a surprised girl who was surprisingly familiar.

"Melaina?" Gram asked, as soon as he'd caught up.

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