8 - Riviera Grey

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"You're late," I noted while stretched out on a large arm chair. Though I appeared to be relaxed and sprawled out on the chair, I was actually fully alert and in a perfect position to jump into action at any moment.

(...Alright, and yes, I was technically also sprawled on the chair.)

"Had some business to deal with downtown," he admitted in a huff. (Though he disguised it as a simple exhale.)

"Right, right," I noted, "I heard there were some plans that we're going down today," I noted, recalling Veronica Sasin's rants about her older sister being before her in line for the Head-of-the-Family position and how she was going to prove herself to be worthy or something.

Granted her older sister isn't even the first heir herself, their great aunt is the one who is supposed to succeed their grandfather. Though that isn't to say that she's not in a high up position. Being number three in one of the Ten Founding Families is nothing to sneeze at. (So to speak.)

I had to watch my thoughts though, being around an untrusting nosy telepath isn't a walk in the park.

Last time I'd told him that I just wanted to get Robin arrested, fulfilling the task usually taken up by LIGHTS Heros.

What I didn't explain was why that was my goal instead of torture and eventual murder.

See, even though Robin had made enemies of almost the entirety of the Midnight Sea, he's conveniently gained the protection of the Red Hounds in the process.

Now, it's not like anyone didn't hate that traitorous bastard, or want to see him dead, it's just that by doing so the person in question would undoubtedly be starting an underground war. (The last thing any civilized semi-legal organization needs on their hands.)

So while there would be little to no heartburn over his death, anyone who killed him would be ejected from the organization at best, dead themselves at worst.

Neither of which were on my to-do list.

I had great plans of one day leading the Grey Family. Plans that will come true as long as I don't fluff up.

Because not only am I a rising star myself on the underground scene, but also happen to be the heir of the Midnight Sea. (My mother is the current Head.)

Anyways, the next best thing to killing that traitor I once called a friend is delivering him to the SPD on a slider platter. (With as little silver haired evidence as possible.)

This is why I recruited Currents, or Steven Onyx, a well known LIGHTS 'Hero' who is also a double legacy. (Both his parents were famed 'Heros' as well.)

Because while it might be suspicious for Riviera Grey to turn him in, (and even more so when he suddenly dies while in captivity,) it would surprise no one for him to be taken in by a good and honest LIGHTS operative.

And people die out there everyday, no officials would notice if a former high level criminal suddenly dies while in prison.

And there would be exactly no evidence to point it back to me.

This was the kind of thing that I was expressly not thinking about as I waited for the telepath to arrive. (Though he did take his sweet time.)

"So, how was the acid spitting frogs?" I asked conversationally, "They were launched out of cannons I believe, right?"

He raised an eyebrow ever so slightly. "You were watching the news?" he asked.

I tilted my head to signal no. (Not quite shaking it, but enough of the gesture to convey the meaning.)

He paused before asking, "You knew about it beforehand." Though it was more a statement than a question.

I nodded.

He frowned but didn't seem surprised.

Is her partner busy causing trouble right now too? Is this all a set up? Steven thought in my mind.

It must have been accidental because he cleared his throat after and didn't wait for a reply.

"Right, so moving on," he said, and I took note of the telepathic slip up. (I'll think about the implications of that later, no need to alert Stevee here that I'm onto him.) "From his thoughts it sounded like he was building something, or helping someone build something," he explained.

"The Red Hounds no doubt," I noted, he nodded and continued on.

"The only other thing I was able to pick up was that something is going down on the 31st," he explained.

"Halloween?" I asked.

Looks like Robin's still got that theatrical phase going on, I thought. Though it's sure to be something big. Mommy's little boy finally returning home? She's gotta have some sort of scheme cooked up to boost his underground reputation. I considered.

I knew Steven was listening to my thoughts right then, but it was information I was planning on volunteering anyways. Knowing who his mother is could be helpful in taking him down.

However, I needed to provide ample cover for myself, and as any good questionably-legal-agent should know, appearing to have a squeaky clean morality and airtight alibi tends to raise questions. It makes working with agents like us too easy, which is always suspicious. Especially when the target knows who we are associated with. (Which he does.)

Which is why providing 'slipped' information as opposed to 'truth in blast' is much more believable. (It's how the public thinks I have two abilities somehow instead of just the one.)

Because no humans are perfect, they mess up all the time.

Unless of course they are specially trained to never slip up, and always calculate what information they release. Even in thoughts.

Specially trained agents who are the future Head of their Family.

Agents like me.

"Any idea as to what they're planning?" Steven asked, pretty obviously unaware of the fact that I was completely using him.

"It's anyone's guess," I offered.

With his history it's probably gonna be big if he's already planning, I thought.

There was a moment's hesitation, which meant that he heard my most recent thoughts.

"Are we going to need backup?" He asked in a deadly serious tone. The negative connotation from before was gone, replaced by true resolve. Another thing I admire in an opponent. (Even if we may currently be at an impasse.)

I considered my options briefly, not giving away any more than I wanted to.

In actuality, I'd already considered that possibility.

But this one had to be off books, even by Midnight Sea standards.

I sighed.

I really didn't want him to have to know about that.

If he knew that he was my only lead then he'd have leverage and mine would be practically obsolete.

So instead of revealing my true worries I instead projected somewhat of another cover. I showed him what he'd expect my insecurities to be over instead of reality.

Pshh, this incomparably fool thinks I'll need 'help' what a novice. I should have followed my other leads first, whatever I'm already here. I thought, for show.

"I am confident this won't require any assistance," I speak proudly.

He just sighs and mutters, "If you say so." 

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