6 - Carter Asher

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"Snyper, what's your position?" Steven asked professionally over the OMM communication system. (Though we usually just call them comms.)

"I've got eyes on the building, your path is clear, only civilians." I reported. "Looks like ya date's a no-show," I told him, losing the mock professionalism and jumping into my usual casual way of talking.

Steven was currently sitting at a table of a cafe waiting for some mystery person. (And he did seem dressed for a date. Suit and everything.)

"Carter," Gram chided. (I swear, that guy may be newer to the team, but he acts like he's my dad all the time. You'd think Steven would be the parental one, but nooooo.)

"Yes mom," I joked sarcastically.

I could practically feel the raised eyebrows through the comms.

He sighed.

"Who are we looking for again, Currents?" Gram asked.

"Someone suspicious," he said. Offering little explanation he continued, "She's here for an information exchange,"

"SPD?" Gram asked, somewhat surprised.

"Not exactly..." he cryptically answered.

"It's his secret girlfriend!" I exclaimed with certainty, surely getting a groan from everyone on the line. (Technically the rest of the team was also assisting in this mission, so they quietly listened to my antics.)

"Carter Asher you better be watching that table because you are this close to being benched for-" Gram started threatening but was cut off by a female voice on the channel.

"People," a tense voice with a heavy Australian accent said, "We got a woman in a navy suit making a beeline for Currents." Riley June, aka Dazzle, said.

She'd hacked into the security system from home and was mimicking HQ for this mission.

Something about the lady in the suit looked somewhat familiar, but not enough that I recognised her.

She had navy hair as well with a little bit of aquamarine on the tips.

Meh, there's a lot of people in this city. I thought, and dismissed it.

"On your six," Melaina Green, aka Milkweed, told us. The blue haired lady was directly behind Steven. Though, I'm sure he knew that before she even did.

"I'm cutting comms. Keep an eye." Steven said, doing just that.

I watched through the lens of my rifle as the two exchanged greetings and a handful of looks that undoubtedly had double meanings.

They were probably having the entire secret meeting in their heads, knowing Currents, but there was no way to prove that theory.

"Sooooo," I said, getting bored. "Are we really just here to supervise an info exchange?" I asked.

"Doubt it." Riley noted. I could hear the smirk in her tone.

"That's enough you two," Gram chided.

"What is with you lately?" she complained. "Why are you acting like the team's dad?" she asked.

"Probably has something to do with those kids he's planning to adopt," I offered.

"Waaaaa-" was Riley's excited reply. (More material to tease him with.)

"Congratulations dude," Ezra Jennings, aka RJ (Rapid Jr), remarked. He was pretty chill for someone with superspeed. (Apparently speedsters tended to be hyperactive and energetic. Ezra was probably the opposite of those things.)

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