Prologue 2

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"Leave the kids alone," called a LIGHTS operative. He had a soft yellow suit with gold details. His hair and eyes also went well with the costume's theme, as his golden eyes and curly golden blond hair all conveyed a light and happy aesthetic.

When he was a kid, being a LIGHTS Hero was his dream.

Both of his parents were SPD, his mother being one that had powers.

Now he was a top Hero in the League of Internal Gang Hunters and Trained Spies. (The name is rather redundant so most just use the acronym.)

He was currently supposed to be watching over Carter Asher, a new Hero known as Sniper.

He could form green guns out of thin air, and was an incredibly accurate shot.

Right now though, Carter had snuck away to help his mentor's partner, Currents.

"Says who?" sassed the woman who was previously threatening the children.

"Me," the golden eyed LIGHTS Hero declared, throwing up a shiny yellow shield around the two kids in question.

That was his power, creating force fields. It also accurately described his code name. Shields.

The purple and magenta haired woman laughed.

"You think a mere LIGHTS operative can threaten me?" she questioned. "Wow," she said more to herself, "Looks like they keep making them stupider and stupider," she noted, then drew a throwing knife and chucked it at Shields with deadly precision.

To his credit, he didn't even flinch.

The knife stopped inches away from his face, blocked by a shimmering yellow energy field.

Shields smiled.

"Nice, one," he offered, "Now it's my turn," he said, picking up the dagger and throwing it right back at her. He aimed for her shoulder instead of face.

In the end the magenta haired criminal got away, but Gram did manage to protect the two kids.

"Are you two alright?" he asked them, helping the little boy with the blue hair up.

He was hesitant to accept the help but eventually did and nodded.

Gram also helped the bubble-gum haired girl up, who was just a little bit older than the boy, maybe 15.

"Thanks," She said, not meeting his eyes.

When they made no move to head in any particular direction he asked, "Where do you live?" The two exchanged a glance with each other. "I'll take you home," he offered.

"That's alright," the girl stiffened.

Gram frowned.

"Where are your parents?" He asked.

The girl looked away, like she'd been offended.

"I see," he noted.

He looked around, thinking for a minute before making a decision.

"If it's okay with the both of you," he began, "I'd like to give you a place to stay, if you don't have one, that is," he offered.

The girl looked up at him suspiciously, and the little boy hid behind her slightly.

"We're not going to foster care," she spat out. "Tried that. Didn't work." She glared up at him. "It's not safe. Not for us," she explained. "Besides, if we go back now they'll split us up," she said, defiantly.

"That's all well and good," Gram began, "But that's not exactly what I had in mind," he explained.

She looked up at him, her defiance slowly bubbling into curiosity.

Carter Asher peered over the roof, covering the unknowing Steven Onyx.

Technically, Carter wasn't supposed to go out on duty by himself, not yet anyways.

He was 17 and in high school. Not exactly as experienced as the others.

Steven was highly experienced, especially given his age. He'd been training to be a LIGHTS Hero since he was young. Which made sense because he was the child of two well established Heros.

Gram on the other hand had much more training as an SPD, seeing as both of his parents were special division cops. Though he still had far more experience than Carter, who was the son of a low ranking Midnight Sea operative and a lesser known Hero.

Anyways, while Carter watched the battle begin to unfold, he noticed a large shadow fall over him.

At first he thought nothing of it, thinking it must be some dark cloud.

But then he heard someone's voice and violently turned around.

"What do we have here," the voice said.

When Carter faced him he saw that the man had white and gray hair, (even though he only looked about Gram's age,) striking purple eyes, (like the shade you'd imagine evil roman emperors having,) and a classic mob-member handgun pointed directly at Carter.

Carter's sniper dissolved when his focus waivered.

In a hurried panic, he formed a similar handgun out of the abyss. Only Carter's was a dark green.

"Who the heck are you?" he demanded, looking over the peculiar looking villain.

"Your worst nightmare," the man claimed.

The two had a brief stair down before both fired a series of blows and dogged.

Carter managed to get a bullet to graze the demon looking guy's shoulder, but got a direct hit to the calf in return.

He cringed in pain and rolled behind the roof-escape-building thing.

Sirens could be heard in the distance.

Carter chanced a glance around the corner but was met with a bullet that only missed him by a hair.

He jerked himself back to safety.

"What's going on here?" Currents demanded, as he landed on the roof.

Before Carter could respond, he glanced at his enemy who took the opportunity to vanish into shadows. Literally.

"I was just- he- ahhh-" Carter started to explain as he stood up, but cried out in pain as he remembered his injured leg.

Steven assessed the situation, scanning Carter's mind briefly before helping him up.

"Come on," he instructed, taking the majority of the injured boy's weight. "Let's get you to the infirmary," was all he offered as to what he was thinking.

Carter didn't know how the end of the battle went, but he had a feeling that he might be facing repercussions for his sneaking out. Once he was all head up at least.

Little did he know, but Steven was going to be having to deal with some other issues once the pair returned to base. 

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