18 - Riviera Grey

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"So why did you feel the need to take care of that guy?" Avory asked, "Just curious," she said, idly flipping around a switchblade knife while lying sprawled on the couch.

"He's a friend of a source of mine," I sailed as simply as I could. Avory didn't need to know who that source had been.

It's true, she was my best friend, who I told just about everything but if she knew I'd met with Onyx then I know her well enough to know she'd definitely want to know why.

And I don't particularly feel ready to tell her that I've been hunting her traitorous brother.

"Aww, River," she cooed sarcastically, "Are you growing a heart?" She mocked.

I rolled my eyes. "Believing in the impossible, not a good look on you," I joked.

She laughed.

"You loved my brother," she pointed out casually.

"Oh because that worked out so well," I remarked.

"Not the point," she said, sitting up. "The point is that you can care," she explained.

"I messed up once," I said, "And it stabbed me in the back in the most literal way possible,"

"Yeah, my brother kinda sucks," she laughed. "I can hardly believe you liked him in the first place,"

I frowned. "Neither can I," I said, in an almost wistful tone.

I remembered earlier, when I went to get Onyx to pick up 'rescue' Shields. (Or Gram Willy. Yes, I looked into him afterwards.)

I broke into his house through the window this time instead of picking the lock. (It's faster, even if it is more boring.)

What are you doing here? The thought invaded my mind.

I pulled open the window and slid in.

"No need for knocking in the Midnight Sea I suppose" he mocked.

I rolled my eyes and gracefully jumped on his couch and reclined, taking up the whole space.

"Please, make yourself at home," he deadpanned sarcastically as I crossed my legs and rested my arms behind my head.

"If you care so much about why I'm here just look in my mind," I told him.

I was still wearing my black jeans and gray tank top from yesterday. (Both had blood and dried dirt on them.) After the battle I'd thrown on a black leather jacket that I'd 'borrowed' from Taylor. (It's unlikely to find its way home.)

He just frowned.

"Taking too long," I complained, "Your blond friend got himself kidnapped," I spoiled.

"You what." He asked, depressingly tired but clearly upset.

"Veronica Sasin. The moon haired lady with the said frogs, remember her? She has a habit of taking people for fun and your friend got caught up in a party she was targeting," I explained. "And now I get to deal with it," I complained.

"Why? Is he getting in the way of your plans?" He asked, knowing I had an ulterior motive. I didn't say anything but he must have heard my thoughts.

Leaving your buddy to be torchered by Veronica  and Taylor would be an a-hole move. Especially after using you to track down Robin.

He shifted, like he was somewhat surprised or uncomfortable.

I nearly laughed at the unusual expression. In the time I've been in opposition of Onyx, he never really shows any surprise in things. (Perk of being an experienced telepath I'm sure.)

That's almost half decent, he granted, accidentally projecting again.

"He's a terrible inconvenience," I said out loud, not sure if he was listening in on my thoughts or not. (I had a reputation to uphold.)

To be completely fair, both statements were actually true. I'm not that much of an a-hole. (It's not like I'm in the Red Hounds.)

Still, I'm no Hero. I never will be. Don't forget that.

I thought of the location and he made a phone call, suited up, and left.

I frowned.

I really oughta tell Avory... I realized. As much as I don't want to, it was her brother after all.

She deserves to know that I plan to kill him.

I sighed out loud, and casually brought up the topic.

"Remember that contact I was meeting last night?" I mentioned.

"The mystery one that you won't elaborate on?" She asked, giving me her full attention, (even though nothing changed, and she was still laying on the couch with the knife, I could tell she was hanging on my every word at this point).

I nodded.

"What about 'em?" She asked.

I nearly hesitated. Something uncommon for me. (I didn't but I almost did.)

"I was using him to track down your brother," I plainly stated.

She seemed unsurprised.

"What do you want with Robin?" she asked, her tone a careful neutral.

I waited for a beat that felt like a million years before I broke eye contact and answered, "I'm going to exact revenge on him for what he's done," I explained.

I was nervous for her answer. If Avory wanted me to spare him, then I wouldn't have much of a choice.

I'd have to betray her to get my revenge. If I did that I'd be no better than that traitorous son of a- well their adoptive mom is a really nice lady so I really shouldn't insult her.

Anyways, I crossed my fingers that my best friend would choose me over her brother. (Not that I could blame her if she didn't. He wasn't the one who wanted to kill somebody anyways.)

She stopped fiddling with the knife.

After a moment's consideration she sat up and looked me in the eye.

"You have a solid plan to get around your mother and the potential war?" She asked, not sounding in favor or disagreement of my plans.

I nodded. "I've found a loophole," I explained, not going into detail.

She was still for a moment.

Then her usual smirk slid into her face.

"Better save a piece of that prick for me," she demanded, picking my side. "Can't let you have all the fun,"

I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Not smirking, but really smiling for once.

Despite everything that's happened, I still have Avory. I thought to myself.

Normally I'm not the affectionate type, nor one for emotional schist, but I'll tell you, right then I hugged my best friend.

She knew what I meant by the gesture.

A silent, 'Thank you'.

To which she responded with a clear unspoken, 'Always'.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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