9 - Blanche Frost

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So you are probably wondering if I've infiltrated the mob yet, huh?

Well, I'll have you know that even though it seemed difficult, seemed impossible, especially for an inexperienced high school student like myself I-

...haven't gotten there yet.

Much as I hate that fact, perhaps there is some truth to the impossibility of my task.

What's worse is that both of my parents have been successfully placed undercover.

All I've done so far is look through some stolen files of missing and murder cases.

The missing cases all seemed incredibly similar to each other. Someone that no one would miss just seemed to disappear off the face of the earth.

The murder cases on the other hand, were similar in style of killing but the people who died had nothing to do with each other. No related factors. They all seemed random. From wealthy business-people, to suburban families, to college students to retired grandparents. No group of any kind seemed excluded. Both former criminals and political figures, rich and poor, middle aged and old.

The only consistencies relating the cases were the cause of death and that there were never any kids killed.

Which is a good thing, even though it is strange.

The peculiar morality makes my aunt think that this is the work of the mafia, but I'm not so sure.

Not with the disappearing spies issue with the mob.

Besides, the 'Midnight Sea' as it's called, has yet to route out all of our spies. And said spies have no evidence pointing to the fact that this very illegal group has killed anyone. Heck, they haven't even been able to confirm any activity or members.

Those spies are pretty useless, though not as much as me right now I suppose. At least they're able to do something. While all I can do is just wait and follow this one last clue.

I traced the disappearances and they all seem to radiate around one specific neighborhood. Granted it does branch out quite a bit, but this is really all I have to go on right now, so I'm checking it out anyways, even though it's probably a waste of time.

I should honestly be at home studying for the midterm. I thought, disappointed that I'd found nothing.

I was just about to turn and leave when I noticed a white metal van drive by.

I probably wouldn't have thought much of it at first but then another drove by.

Then I remembered why I was all the way out here in one of the sketchiest parts of town.

Finally, I thought.

"Quiet back there!" A woman with bold purple streaked magenta hair shouted. She'd just gotten out of the passenger's seat of the vehicle when it had stopped in a parking lot with three other identical white vans.

I wondered if all of the missing people were in there, or some of them at least.

The girl who yelled at the cars looked around my age, but she was clearly in charge of all the drivers, most of whom were adults.

I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of the girl and the vans. (Evidence for later.)

I also snapped a few pics of all the license plates. (Cause even if I can't arrest them right now, I can track them down later with people who can.)

I waited in the bushes to see what they were waiting for.

Shortly after four more large vans pulled up, black ones this time, and the drivers of both sets of cars rushed out.

They unloaded and reloaded the vans before I could get the chance to see what exactly was in there.

The only clue I got was a muffled cry of pain as something was thrown into a van with a thump.

The black vans didn't have license plates, and were gone as quickly as they came.

You have got to be kidding me. I mentally grumbled, as the white vans too zipped away.

I waited for a little bit before heading home at last, irritated but not entirely empty handed.

That's right, I thought. I did manage to get a photo of their leader, I recalled.

When I got home I printed out all the photos I took, including the practically useless license plate photos. (Meh, those can go mainstream through the station, I figured, maybe I can trade leads, I thought.)

I pinned the picture of the vans and the pink haired lady to my current conspiracy board.

Right now there were a lot of question marks and not a lot of red thread. (Red thread is good in these cases, it means I'm close.)

I stepped back.

Now to find more clues. I decided, my determination was restored.

Let's do this thing. 

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