Chapter 41

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Before I start I wanna shout out this book its a good read and he is just starting of and he's good at what he does its called 'trust issues(Cali love story)'

Davontae p.o.v

I woke up to the vibration of my phone. I picked up my phone and saw that it was a text from johari I looked at my phone I saw 25 missed cools and 30 messages from johari. I sat up and rubbed my head, my head was hurting I couldn't remember muchbfrom last night but rn a nigga faded. I put my phone down and finally took in my surroundings.
"Where the fuck am I?" Looking around I noticed that this ain't my shit. Matter of fact this ain't my place. I looked around and saw no one in the room. Shit was still a bit blurred and my head was hurting fr so I slowly got out the bed and walked out the room I saw some stairs so I followed it down to some place where I could hear noises and walked in on something I ain't ever seen before this shit had a nigga staring for hours.

Sierra p.o.v
I was awoken by a tap on my shoulders.
"Seirra I need to tell you something but you gotta promice you gone keep it calm and not stress out to much" Kayla said I nodded my head and Jordyn helped me sit up in the bed.
"Treys on life support right now and we don't know if he gonna make it."
My heart literally dropped I looked at them as a tear rolled down my eye it was everday a new problem nothing was ever right with my life.
"I need to go and see him."
"No girl treys mama said you should stay here and rest" Jordyn said whilst wiping my tears
"Everyone is there but me. I don't care what she says I'm going now"I said trying to get up
" sierra please jus-"
"Uh ah Jordyn I ain't got no time to fight you either take me or IMA walk there by myself" I was basically up and I walled the door whilst they just stared at me
"Okay fine I'll go by myself I don't need y'all"..

I was litterly a block away from treys parents house. I was walking around like i knew my way there, but tbh i didnt know where i was going and i wasnt going back home. Finally when the girls pulled up next to me.
" get in the car sierra'
"Y'all gonna take me to the hospital"
"Sierra treys moms and everyones gon' kill us if we take you there plus she's right you need to rest."
"So you gon take me to the hospital or not?"
"No" Jordyn shouting
"Forget you then" I said whilst walking of
"Okay Sierra damnnn get in with your stubon ass"
"You gonna take me hospital?"
"Yhhh we will"
"Thank you" I walked into the car and we drove of. I pulled up to the hospital all walked insides treys mom ran up to me and the girls.
"Y'all okay?" She said whilst hugging me
"Yhhhh we okay but how's trey" I said looked behind her at all treys family and friends and the guys.
"He's coping... doctor said there's a possibility he could make it but rn he's in a coma and is on life support but I know my baby gonna make it he's a strong man"
"I pray he does before the baby comes"
"He will baby he'll be out by tomorrow I know he will he's loves us to much to go, but come a rest he's not allowed any visitors at the moment." I nodded my head and walked to the vacant seat.

1 hour later..
I was totally drained and treys still In a coma. The room was peacefull and quiet until a lady that was pregnant walked in she looked nearly as big as me so I guess she was due around the same time I am. She walked in wearing a maxi dress and some sandals, she had little make up on and her hair was curled she looked pretty good but I had no idea who this girl was. She had all the guys in the room looking at her ass, it wasn't even all that hers is just a little bit bigger than mine and in my opinion she had the body of a striper. But let me not hate. She walked over to treys mom who was sitting near me. Treys mom looked a bit uncomfortable as she whispered to her so I took it as my time to ask this chick who she was.
"Hey I'm sierra?" I said putting my hand out she stared at my hand for a little while and looked back at treys mum. (Bitch). Her and treys mom argued but quietly and their whispering was starting to annoy me so I kissed my teeth.
"Bitch you got a problem?" This nobody said looking at me
"Mimi calm down" treys mom said to her
"Mama who is this irrelevant girl and why is she here disrupting everyone" I said whilst mugging this bitch of.
"Well if you must know I'm treys babymama I'm holding his MF child and I have a right to be here"
"Bitch you crazy. Mama tell this girl to leave with her crazy ass" I said whilst laughing but treys mama looked down and didn't say nothing.
"Mama....please tell me this heffa is joking??"
"She's right she's not lying" I looked at treys mom whilst everyone in the room let out a gasp.
"I....I" a tear ran down my eyes. I was hurt I was confused and a rush of anger filled me, I instantly stated getting my stuff together and walked away till I fell someone touch my hand.
"Sierra he doesn't know yet don't be angry at him" treys mom said to me, I nodded my head and walked out and kept walked I didn't know where I was going but I just kept walking.


Heyy y'all sorry for this I actually though I updated this but I didn't but yhhh here y'all go and leggo




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