chapter 5

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Damien sat in the car bashing his head against the wheel 'Fuck'. He started punching the wheel he didn't know what to do he needed to let out all his emotions

 'Damien you stupid fool' 'I just had to go mess things up what the hell was I thinking getting out of my car... Stupid idiot'. He rested his hands on the wheel pulled the key in and drove pulling up to the grave yard. He got out the car and walked as far as he knew and stopped in front of a grave labelled

 Kiera Robinson and Nathan Robinson 1963-1997

 He feel to the ground crying 'mom dad I messed up... I may have lost the one thing...the one thing... that meant something to me'. He picked up his head looked to the sky and cried' ... 'God please... I know I haven't spoken to you in a long time but you my mum used to tell me when I need help me should just look to the sky and pray... So God I'm saying I'm sorry! Let sierra come out okay it was my fault I should've been up in that hospital bed I should be the one fighting for my life I should be the one. I need you to do this for me I've prayed to you before and even though stuff may not be answer please just do this for me! Please'

 Felling a tight hug he looked to his side to see tae she then sat down where he was and whispered 'not been here in a while'...'How you know I was here tae' he asked starting at the graves. 'Coz when we were young grandma always used to take us here...even though I stopped coming here when grandma died I know you still come around here'

 'Tae where else will I was only a little child do you even remember them dying! You wasn't even in the car when it happened'

 'I know I wasn't in the car but I still remember waiting for you guys to come to my show and looking in the audience to see where you guys where to disappointment I went through not seeing you guys in the crowd. When I had finished my dance the waiting for you guys to come and pick me up! I remember Damien I remember when grandma came to pick me up from Julies and took me to the hospital I remember Damien! I remember crying Damien' her voiced started to raise 'I remember. So well so don't tell me shit saying I wasn't there it hurt me as well... I was three Damien... I never wanted to come back here after grandma died I couldn't... I couldn't come back when I was moved away from you and taken by foster parents I COULDN'T I loved mum and dad as much as you did! Even though I wasn't in the car... I'm sorry I couldn't pull through losing my loved ones as fast as you did!'

'I- I'm sorry tae' he said whilst pulling his little sister close to him he remembered how he was travelling to his sisters ballet concert when a lorry out of nowhere cam colliding into their car. He remembered waking up in his hospital to find his sister sleeping next to him and grandma their sleeping on the hosiptal chair he rembered walked up to the hospital room next to him with two boodies tha seemed to be covered from head to toe. 'Tae... I... I can't lose her'

 'What about Chanel?'she asked staring deep at him  'I love her but I love sierra I don't know tae'  'Damien I don't know what to say but whoever you know and feel you love is the one for you and with that they hugged and slowly walked back to the car his arm around his little sister

 'Where my little nephew at?'.  'ooo He's in the car'

  'Wait hold up you left him in the car by himself?!...tae are you just crazy or stupid'  'I told him if he gets out the car and wonders of for a little walk he gone get taken away by the dead people' He looked at his sister shocked 'Tae he's 4' 'err hes my son i think i know that!...what?'

 'Tae lil dudes probably sitting in the car scared'. 'If it gets him to stay in the car ima do it' Damien sometimes questioned his sisters logic and motherhood but he knew she was the best mum to his little nephew considering her circumstances of being a single mother and having to look after him at a young age. 'Ahh I love ya sis'. 'Love ya too big bro tell you what why don't we drive up to McDonalds and get us some foo....’

  'Tae I'm not really hungry'. 'Look Damien not about to let you starve yourself please even if it’s just fries!'. 'Ahh okay I'll meet you there'


Trey couldn't take it no more all the doctors in the room and all the girls crying he had been sitting there for the last 2hours which felt like days he needed to get out he hadn't seen the other guy and suspected he had left. He didn't want to leave as he wanted her to wake up seeing him. He sat down still facing the ceiling when he got a call.

 'Errrm hello who is this?' He said whilst getting up

  'It’s me bro'

  'Why you calling me on private number?'

  'Because I need your help and this isn't my phone' trey could hear shouting in the bakground 

  'Davonte where the hell are you and who's phone is this'

  'Bro I need my gun'

  'Well that's totally out of the question where are you if you’re not at home ima kill you!'

  'Well I'm basically... I am at home…’.‘Then what do you want I’m busy Davonte’

  ‘well one of my guys came over and well I didn’t know I assure you that he was being chased I let him in now Theres a bunch of gang bangers standing outside our house’. trey looked at his phoe and laughed ‘Davonte is this a joke lool I’m laughing right now boy you had me for a second’ he said trying to convince himself that his crazy brother was joking ‘this is a joke right?’

His brother was silent.

‘DAVONTE are you actually having a laugh what the hell do you think you’re doing you’ve put yourself in fucking danger and your asking me for your gun I can believe you right now’ Trey was shouting now and was disturbed by a little cough he turned around to see all the girls starting at him ‘oo sorry girls Urrmm’ and he walked out ‘Bro all I need is my gun i think i can deal with this just drop it of at the back’

 ‘Davonte dont be stupid call the police’.‘And risk them coming out and killing me’. ‘See Davonte this is what I was telling you foo-‘

  ‘Aye aye trey this is a life and death situation I’m hiding behind a chair trying to block them bursting down the door’

  ‘Davonte get out the house! Run out the back’. ’And risk them raiding the house’

 ‘BOY I don’t care about that just make sure you get out alive and meet me round the back’

  ‘Okay I’ll be waiting for you bu-‘

 Trey heard gun shots and shouting

‘Davonte?! DAVONTE!’


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