Episode 4|| The start of beyblading addiction?

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(Yes, you started beyblade before both of em')

Y/n's pov:

Shu is finally not sick anymore, and that means we can go back to work. Though I asked my mother to give us a time off just in case something happens.

I'm just in the forest right now sitting on a tree branch. Yeah, I'm not afraid of heights, so it isn't a problem for me.

I heard some noise down on the ground, so I assumed that someone was coming this way. I just looked down and waited for anyone.

"Y/n??" Someone asked.

"Valt..? Look up," I answered with a hesitating tone.

"HUH?" He mumbled and looked up.

"Y/n! There you are! I was looking for you." He said.

"Why's that..?" I asked him while looking at the sunset.

"I just wanted to talk with you about Shu and beyblading!" Valt yelled.

"Beyblading..? You're a blader?" I asked

"Wellllllll not a great one. I'm still learning, and so is Shu! He trains all day long while I don't have the patience to train for even an hour. Tho I think that beyblade is a lot of fun even if you don't win!" Valt kept explaining.

"Noted..." I said like a lazy person.

"Do you beyblade?!" Valt asked with a happy tone.

"I... do, " I said.

"Are you good at it?" Valt asked.

"Well... I've probably started way before you 2, but I'm not that good either." I explained

"Well, that makes the 2 of us! Yes, the 2 of us. And that's because even tho Shu is still learning, he is actually really good! Even tho I started before him, he still managed to get ahead of me!" Valt kept explaining non-stop.

After some time, Valt finally fell asleep against a tree.

'So Shu is a blader as well... And a good one as well. Maybe he can teach me..?' I thought to myself.

I took Valt back to the place where he and Shu live. I then took Valt to his room and laid him down.

"Sweet dreams, Valt.." I whispered and left his room.

'What do I do now..?' I asked myself.

Suddenly I heard someone Yell "LET IT... RIP!"

'Is someone training..?' I asked myself.

Then I recognised the voice. It was Shu! I then walked to the room where the noise was coming from and hid behind a wall so no one from inside the room could see me.

Just as I expected.. Shu was training with his bey. He looked really sweaty as if he had been training for longer than 6 hours.

"Finally..." Shu mumbled.

I assumed he was finally able to master his new launch or move.

"You can come out Y/n unless you want to see me train so much." Shu suddenly said and looked at me.

"Oh.. ahem. I wasn't spying or anything.. I just heard some noise and came to check it out, " I explained.

Shu just chuckled and smirked as if he was teasing me. Shu then looked back at his bey, and I noticed a bowl of grapes on the table.

"Have you been training ever since the morning came?" I asked Shu while taking a couple of grapes from the bowl and putting one of them in my mouth.

'They're sweet...' I thought.

"Yes, I have. I just had to train Spryzen more and more. Yes, it might sound concerning to train without taking any breaks, but trust me. It's fine." Shu explained while cleaning his launcher.

I just kept putting one after one of the grapes in my mouth and eating them while admiring the taste.

"Speaking of beyblading.. do you beyblade?" Shu asked.

"Surprisingly, yes, I do." I said.

"Are you good at it?" He asked while cleaning his bey called Spryzen..I think..?

"Not really... I do know a couple of moves, but I don't think I've mastered them yet.

"Would you like to tell me about your bey?" Shu asked. He was now looking into my eyes instead of keeping his eyes on Spryzen.

"Well.. for starters... my bey's name is B/N.
B/N is a balance type." And I started explaining about B/N except my strategies. I kept them a secret.

"B/N truly sounds interesting. Would you want to have a battle or two?" He asked.

"But I'm sure I'll lose.." I said.

"We will see. You'll never know unless you try." He said. And he was actually right. I'll never know if I can't actually beat him if I don't try.

"Fine. I'll do it." I said with a confident look.

Shu smiled and waited for me to get into my position. And so.. we started to battle!

"Let it..."
"RIP!" Both of us yelled and launched our bey's into the stadium.

"You know what to do, B/N!"

"Just stick to the plan, Spryzen!"

B/N took the middle, and Spryzen tried making B/N burst without any special moves.

"Spryzen! Now!" Shu yelled and put his hand up in the air.

"B/N! YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!" I yelled, and both of the bey's made contact.

Suddenly, B/N bursted and so that means Shu won with two points.

"See? Told you." I said while picking B/N's parts up.

"Yes, but now you know if you actually can win or lose." Shu explained.

"You're right... but Shu. Can I ask you a favour?" I asked.

"Sure." Shu answered with a serious look that he always wears.

"Can you be my trainer?" I asked him.

Shu stayed quiet for some time and then spoke up.

"It would be my pleasure, Y/n."

Beyblade Burst Shu x female reader (King of roses...)Where stories live. Discover now