Episode 5|| B/N needs to be evolved?

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No one's pov:

Just like that, Shu became Y/n's trainer. Both of them kept training from morning until midnight. They usually took at least 7-10 breaks because Y/n needed a lot more breaks than Shu. Shu can last more than half of the day without taking any breaks , and as for Y/n.. She needed a break every 2 hours. Sometimes even more.

Y/n's pov:

It was the next day and of course I was already taking a break while watching Shu who's checking if Spryzen didn't crack because in the middle of the battle we heard a weird noise that came from either Spryzen or B/N.

I took a couple of grapes from the bowl, which is on the table. I put 2 of the grapes in my mouth and admired the taste once again.

"Spryzen looks fine.. is B/N okay?" Shu suddenly asked.

I just nodded because I couldn't talk since I had 2 grapes in my damn mouth. Shu then noticed it was almost midnight and decided to stop the training a bit earlier than usual, which was weird.

"Hey, are you sure Spryzen is alright?" I asked him.

"Yes, Spryzen is fine or so, I think. I don't see any cracks or any lines that show if Spryzen is going to break." Shu kept explaining.

"Alright then... do you maybe wanna do something?" I asked.

"Like what, for example?" Shu asked.

"Well, I don't exactly know... OH! wait! I remembered that Valt promised to try and train Valtryek for longer than 3 minutes. Maybe wanna see him try?" I asked Shu, who is now looking at me with a soft look.

"Yeah, sure. I bet that he is dead asleep now tho" Shu said.

"Let's make a bet then!" I yelled.

"Oh? What kind of bet?" He asked.

"If Valt is training right now, then you will have to take longer breaks when training!" I explained with a confident look.

"Well then... if Valt is asleep right now, then you'll have to give me a kiss on the cheek." Shu said.

"H-huh?! O-okay then!" I said while trying not to blush that much. I mean... come on, it's just a kiss on the cheek right..? AHHHHHH!!! why did he say that!?! Well, let's just see...

Both of us went to the place where Valt is or should be training and.. yea Valt is down on the floor sleeping while Valtryek is still spinning in the stadium.

"How is Valtryek still spinning..?" I asked while looking at Shu.

"Well, Valt can fall asleep quickly, so maybe he launched Valtryek into the stadium and then fell asleep." Shu explained.

"Oh wait.. that means you won the bet, " I said.

Shu just laughed a little and crouched down. And so I gave him a quick little kiss on the cheek and then ran to the stadium and watched Valtryek, who's still spinning really fast.

Shu's pov:

I completely forgot about the bet I made with Y/n. Tho I decided to stay calm and just act cool. So I crouched down to tease her, but she just kissed my cheek and ran to the stadium.

I could feel my cheeks burning up. And I started blushing a little bit, but I managed to calm down. Then I went to the stadium and watched how Valtryek kept spinning and even kept speeding up somehow.

I noticed that Y/n was pretty interested in Valtryek, but for some reason, it seemed that it made her sleepy. Soon enough, she fell asleep, and Valtryek stopped spinning as well.

I took Valt and his bey to his room and put him on his bed. Then I went back to Y/n and took her to my room and laid her on my bed. I put a blanket over Y/n and took B/N from her pocket so she could sleep peacefully.

I know Y/n said that B/N is alright, but I still checked just in case B/N had a line or something like that.

It seemed that B/N needed to be evolved.. but as for now, I'll put B/N next to Spryzen, who's on the table. When morning time comes, we will think of something to do. Maybe I'll cancel training tomorrow.

But as for now.. I laid down next to Y/n and whispered

"Good night, Y/n.. sweet dreams"

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