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Niamh's PoV:

I wake up from the feeling of Leah drawing shapes on my bare stomach. I slowly turn over and reach my arms out around her neck before pulling her in a kissing her gently

Leah-" mmm that's a nice way to be greeted in the morning"
Niamh-" is it now?"

She didn't respond instead pulling me in for another kiss.
Niamh-" what you doing today?"
Leah-" well I have training at 10 and then nothing else why you asking?"
Niamh-" just wondering to be honest"
Leah-" oh right are you up to anything don't you have recovery"
Niamh-" well I do but I just have to have an ice bath at home and do some stretches"
Leah-" soooo does that mean I can come over later"
Niamh-" of course it does"
Leah-" good because i want to talk to you about something"
My face drops a bit because I think of the worse but I know it can't be to bad because she wouldn't be in my bed right now
Leah-" oh beautiful don't look like that don't worry it isn't bad just wanna talk alright?"
Niamh-" okay well I'll go and make some breakfast want anything?"
Leah-" I am okay thanks I'll get something later at training"
Niamh-" alright we'll make some breakfast for myself then I'll think about letting you go"
Leah-" only for 4 hours I am sure you can can cope"
Niamh-" i guess so come on lazy bones or you will be late"
Leah-" alright alright I am up"

As soon as she jumps out of bed she puts her training kit she brought with her yesterday on while I went and grabbed some shorts and a baggy retro England top to laze around in all day. Once dressed we both made our way downstairs I threw some bread in the toaster and poured myself a glass on water to take me meds with. I didn't really want Leah seeing me take my meds because it means I will have to explain to her what they are for and I will at some point just not right now. So I decide to quickly go into living pretending to go and turn the tv on before taking my meds. I headed back into the kitchen Leah was filling her water bottle up ready to head off. She picked up her keys and bag before coming over to me.

Leah-" I'll see you later then"
Niamh-" I guess so have a good session" I lean towards her and rap my arms around her shoulders before leaning in and kissing her softly on her lips
Leah-" right that's enough of that or I will never leave see you later beautiful"
Niamh-" byes gorgeous"
And with that I was left alone in the house again. I mean I loved being in my own company but since Leah's been around I have started loving that company more. I decided to stop wondering around and actually do something useful which is to clean my office out. I have a good size apartment which has a kitchen, living room, office, 2 bathrooms and 2 bedrooms. Which I managed to fill with stuff and my office just seemed to be a dumping ground. It also held my medals and trophies I had won over the years which I always love looking through to relive the good memories.

I soon eat my toast and made my way to the office with a bin bag and smoothie in hand. As soon as I entered that room I started regretting me decisions on doing this but it needed doing.

A couple of hours later and a lot of bin bags I had finished I had found a lot of memories one of them being my first ever women of the match trophy and medal. I was only 9 which I would never of expected to be getting them at that age but I think that's what started everything. 

It was now lunch time and Leah wouldn't be back until 3 ish so I decided to make some Lunch before going to watch a couple of movies. I grabbed my lunch before heading into the living room wrapping myself in a blanket and turning on Netflix.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door I didn't think it would be Leah because it's not even 2:30 yet so bit early but to my surprise I was met with the blue eyed blonde stood at my door.

Niamh-" why hello there aren't you a bit early"
Leah-" well training wasn't as long as I thought"
Niamh-" oh right well I'm not complaining come on in"
Leah-" soo what have you been up to today"
Niamh-" wellll cleaned my office which was a massive task and then watched some movies and that's it"
Leah-" soooo recovery going well then"
Niamh-" shit I forgot all about my ice bath"
Leah-" come on then let's get you ready"
She comes over to me picking me up from my legs and throwing me over her shoulder
Niamh-" leaaaahhhh put me down"
Leah-" nope you have an bath to go to"
Niamh-" fineee"
She slowly makes her way to my en-suite before placing me on the counter top of the bathroom before Turing the taps on cold. She quickly makes her way back out the door then down the hall to the freezer to get the bags of ice out. Within seconds she was back pouring the ice into the bath while I sat watching her preparing mentally for the the temperature I am about to feel.

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