Chapter 9: Returns

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"Where'd the children go?" Sirius asked at dinner noticing the absence of Sally's children; because in everything but blood, they were indeed Sally's children. She treated them as her own, cared for them, and he had no doubt if it came to it she would protect them with her life. 

"They were going for a run last I heard from them," Sally promptly lied, "They should be back in a couple of hours. They love the outdoors. Can't stand being cooped up too long," she elaborated. 

"Well, they shouldn't stay out too long. It gets dangerous at night," Molly voiced her concerns. 

"If they run into any trouble they know how to take care of themselves," Sally replied confidently. The three could take care of themselves from mythological trouble and muggle trouble. Plus they were with their fathers not the most comforting thought but they were at least safe for now. 

At that time Nico once again stumbled out of a shadow, not by his power but by his father's. Hades had sent his son back to Grimmauld Place so he didn't waste energy getting back. Persephone hadn't had to teach him much. Basically growing up in his father's court had helped him to learn proper public etiquette but Persephone felt the need to give him a refresher lesson. He was also sent home with an abundance of suits and some Greek clothing fit for royalty. 

Percy had Iris-Messaged him right before he was transported back telling him Amphrite was keeping him 'captive' until her lessons for him were through. He complained for a full twenty minutes about having to go to a tailor for clothes and how Amphrite was making him go to court tomorrow as 'an example of how royalty should behave in court'. He was to follow his family's lead. 

Nico shared a bit of sympathy for the older demigod but cut through the Iris-Message after promising to tell his mother. He may have also laughed at the boy's misery but who needs to know that?

The son of Hades checked the time on his watch and realized just how hungry he was. He opened his door and walked down the stairs. Posture straight and an air of confidence. Not overly confident but just confident enough to appear his status. 

"Nico," Sally exclaimed when he walked into the kitchen, "How was your run? When did you get back?" 

"I ran into my father. His wife insisted to give me a refresher on proper public behavior. She also sent me home with suits and heritage clothing. We got to keep that Greek culture alive," Nico explained, "Percy's stepmother also insisted on lessons in public behavior since he didn't grow up in court as I did. I have no idea about Thalia. I however do know Percy contacted me and said, Queen Anna, was 'holding him captive until she was done with him,' I believe were his exact words. Complained about having to attend a court meeting in the morning but should be back sometime within the week." 

Sally laughed at her son's predicament. Hermione, Sirius, Arthur, Molly, Tonks, and Lupin wondered how NIco got back without anyone noticing no one could have brought him with the Fidilius Charm. 

"You're so good at sticking to the shadows we must not have noticed you sneak up the stairs," Sally laughed answering the unasked question. They took the answer if some reluctantly. 

Nico smirked and decided to break the tension a bit, "I believe when Percy contacted me Prince Tyler was laughing at Percy's description of how the queen was torturing him." 

"Thalia," Ginny smiled, she had grown close to the Daughter of Zeus who was trying to convert her to joining the Hunters. 

Thalia exclaimed, "Ginny." she turned to Sally, "Queen Heather expects me to return to the palace tomorrow to continue my training." 

"Of course," Sally smiled, "Though I believe Percy would call you lucky. Nico told me he said he was being held captive by Queen Anna." 

Thalia laughed, "I don't trust my parents enough for that. For all I know, they may really hold me captive." 

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