Chapter 10

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Around the same time when Thomas and Juliet were wondering whether their friends had noticed their absence, their rescue mission was slowly getting started. After the emergency call from Rick and TC concerning Magnum and Higgins being kidnapped, Gordon Katsumoto sat there by his desk at the precinct in quite a shock. At the beginning, when he met Magnum, he may have acted in a rather cold and condescending way toward the PI but when he got to know him better, he realized that despite not very favorable first impression, he turned out to be a really good man. Gordon soon learned that Thomas' specific methods of working, although not very legal, happened to be really useful sometimes.

Well, maybe not sometimes but very often, Gordon thought and a tiny grin appeared on his face which was quite a rare sight.

And then, after some time and after their ups and downs, he became friends with Magnum which was still something unexpected to Gordon to this day.

Now, after the worrying news, he was deeply concerned for both his friends. He didn't know much about their kidnapping, just the bits and pieces Rick and TC gave him but he vowed that he would do everything he could to help find Thomas and Juliet and bring them home in one piece. Therefore, he picked up his phone again and made a couple of phone calls. It was quite late and he had to ask for lots of favors but twenty minutes later he could say that he succeeded as thanks to him all the best officers in Hawaiian police were going to work on the PIs kidnapping.

"Geez, I must have been spending too much time with Magnum lately," he murmured, "I'm starting to act like him with those favors." He chuckled to himself, glad that he was the only one there due to the late hour otherwise someone would think that he's gone crazy. With that thought in mind, he stood up and finally left the precinct.

The drive to Robin's Nest seemed to drag off mercilessly. As a good detective, he realized that if Magnum and Higgins were taken the previous night, a lot of time had passed and in order not to waste any more of it and reach his destination much faster, he turned the siren on immediately and sped through the crowded streets. He wondered what he would find at the estate. He knew that the sooner he got there the faster he and the team would start working on it and analyzing the clues the kidnappers left behind.

When he reached Robin's Nest and glanced at his watch, he realized that he had probably set a new record in covering this route in such small amount of time. He stopped at the gate and pressed the button on the video intercom. He was instantly let in so he drove to the main building where Kumu's Vespa and TC's car were already parked on the driveway. He got out of the vehicle and walked up to the front door. He didn't even have a chance to knock on it as it opened all of a sudden and he was welcomed by TC who was wearing a seriously worried look on his face.

"Hi, Gordie. Good to see you, man." He said and let him inside.

At that moment, Rick approached them. "Hi, thanks for coming. We're glad you could make it so fast."

"Yeah, we really appreciate it." TC added.

"That's okay. Thomas and Juliet are my friends too, I'm here to help you find them. The CSU are on their way but before they get here, why don't you tell me something more about their kidnapping." Gordon stated, trying to focus on the events and clues rather than his emotions. He knew very well that by remaining calm and professional they stood a better chance of finding their friends. Of course, it was extremely hard to do so in this situation.

"Well, when we haven't seen Thomas or Juliet for the whole day, we got worried." Rick started saying and then TC joined in.

"Some clients couldn't contact them, then we tried to do that with no luck whatsoever and when it turned out that they weren't seen by anybody since yesterday's evening, we got the feeling something must have happened to them."

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