Chapter 19

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The next day very early in the morning, Juliet woke up with a start. She opened her eyes at once and looked around, recognizing the room. Yes, nothing changed - they were still in the same place, held against their will. At least they were together. She slowly rolled over and was met with the sight of Magnum sleeping beside her and breathing peacefully with his face fully relaxed.

What a shame he can feel this relaxed only in his dreams, Juliet thought, sadly shaking her head. Oh, she would do everything to leave this awful place and finally go home with him. Then she wondered what it was that made her wake up so suddenly. Was it some screech behind the metal door or a sound coming from the window up there? She started listening carefully for a few minutes but there were no sounds, everything was still, nothing was out of the ordinary. Everything seemed normal.

Juliet chuckled inwardly. Normal. Nothing was normal. This place wasn't normal. Them being held here wasn't normal. Even lying here with Magnum so close by her side wasn't quite normal but actually that was the only thing she wasn't complaining about. So since it was quiet, she snuggled closer to her partner, enjoying the warmth and comfort he unconsciously offered. Although she had a strange feeling that something wasn't right and something bad was going to happen soon, she pushed it aside and closed her eyes, trying to catch some sleep while she could.

A few hours later, when the sun was quite high in the sky, Thomas and Juliet were woken by the sound of the key being turned in the lock. They glanced at each other and stood up at once, both being on alert, still having in mind yesterday's conversation with Nick. Their bodies instantly tensed, getting ready for the potential fight that was going to take place should the boss with his thugs arrived.

The old metal door slowly opened with a creaking sound and the PIs got really surprised at the person standing there. It was definitely neither the long-awaited boss with his thugs nor Nick. The youngest of the kidnappers, Tony, visited them this time. Beside his gun being pointed at the pair, he brought some breakfast, if you called two candy bars breakfast, together with a bottle of water.

"Wow, I must say that if you keep feeding us with these candy bars, we'll get on weight soon, that's for sure." Magnum spoke sarcastically.

Tony looked at him and just snorted without making any comment. Then tossed the food and water on the mattress and started to back up towards the exit.

Noticing that, Thomas shouted. "Hey, wait a moment! What about your boss? Is he finally here? What does he want from my partner?"

However, none of his questions were answered. The young man just left, leaving Magnum standing there, facing the closed door.

"Thomas, did you really think he would give you those answers?" Juliet asked with concern.

Her partner turned and looked at her. "Of course not but it was worth trying, don't you think?"

"We didn't get anything new, though." She replied.

"On the contrary. Maybe he didn't tell us anything but I observed his body language and it told me one very important thing."

"Really? Which is what?"

"He was in a hurry and seemed quite nervous, and this means something big is going on." Thomas said.

"Magnum, we've already known that. The boss' arrival is probably the reason why the man is so nervous." Juliet stated her opinion.

Her partner shook his head. "Maybe but I'm not so sure about that. Anyway, I have a feeling we'll finally get to know what's going on and why you were needed to be here." He told her and easily noticed her worried face and how she swallowed hard at the mention of this.

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