Chapter 11

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"How could he say that?!" Rick was the first one to speak, his voice shaking with emotion. "I thought he was our friend."

"Hey, calm down, brother." TC stepped closer to him and put his hand on his arm. "Gordie is our friend, he's a part of our Ohana here."

"I know it may be quite irritating but he's just doing his job." Kumu said softly. "I guess, acting like this, which is really professional, helps him deal with his own emotions I'm sure he's experiencing like we do right now."

It was evident Rick was deeply contemplating what the woman had just said. After a long moment, a tiny grin finally appeared on his face.

"I'm sorry, guys, I shouldn't have reacted like that."

"Don't apologize. We understand that, it's perfectly normal in this situation." TC assured him.

However, Rick just couldn't stop. "I shouldn't have let my emotions run high." He said under his breath.

At that time, Kumu felt the need to step in and help her friend. She approached him slowly and grabbed him by the arms. "Rick, look at me." She spoke and saw that he avoided meeting her gaze. "Look at me." She tried again, this time her voice was firm and steady.

Finally, he did what he was told and soon she found out the reason for his hesitation. His eyes were shining with unshed tears and he looked like he was about to have a break down. "Rick," she murmured, gently placing her hand on his cheek, "it's okay that you got angry with the way Gordon had acted. You're worried about Thomas, he's like a brother to you, right? And you care about Juliet, too."

Rick nodded his head.

"But you know Gordon is a good man and he'll do everything he can to find them." Kumu stated.

Rick sniffled and spoke after a while, "Yeah, I know that." His voice was weak and very quiet. "But it's so hard for me not to do anything when now they both need us the most and count on our help. It's so frustrating."

The last sentence was barely a whisper but Kumu managed to hear it. She instantly drew him in her embrace, holding him tight, giving him all her love and comfort she felt he desperately needed so much at that moment.

TC was standing nearby, witnessing this very emotional scene and he had to admit that he got emotional too so he frantically tried to blink away the tears that came to his eyes.

Kumu and Rick remained like that for some time, until the woman finally spoke, "Are you okay now, my dear?"

Rick nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm good." He murmured and then slowly stepped out of her embrace. "I'm much better now. Thank you, Kumu." He gave her a grateful smile.

"You're welcome." She said, smiling back. She took his hand and gave it a little squeeze.

"Uh, I hate to interrupt this moment but I have to ask this question – what do we do now?" TC spoke up.

"We're surely not going home like Gordie had told us, right?" Rick said and for a moment it seemed that doubt and anger threatened to settle back in him again.

"Of course not." Kumu replied at once, glancing at him.

"So what is our next move? We shouldn't be here when the CSU come in order not to mess with their work." TC told them.

"You're right. Let's go to my place." Kumu offered. "I'll make some tasty dinner, I think food will do us good. I don't know about you, boys but I'm starving."

"Well... actually I would eat something." TC admitted, giving her a sheepish grin and then quickly added. "But we don't want to cause you any trouble, Kumu."

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