Chapter 17

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"Crap!" Gordon Katsumoto slammed his fist on the desk and cursed under his breath.

It was very unusual for him to act this way since generally he retained a stoic calm while working a case but this time it wasn't just any case – his friends had been kidnapped so that made it personal and that meant Gordon's even greater commitment than he usually gave to his job.

His sudden outburst drew attention of his co-workers at once but to say the truth, he didn't really care about that. Thomas and Juliet were out there somewhere and in unknown condition with every likelihood that they needed medical attention and here he was – sitting in a safe and warm precinct on his comfortable chair and by his desk while they may have been fighting for their lives who knows where.

Gordon let out a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. It's been two days since they were taken and the police had nothing. He had nothing. The security footage from Robin's Nest didn't give them much information and the files from Juliet's computer that Kumu gave him, didn't help much either. A couple of officers were on them, Gordon himself read through them more than once but neither his colleagues nor him found anything that could lead to immediate identification of the people who took the PIs.

Of course, the numerous case files contained plenty of names which could be considered potential suspects but no one seemed to stand out of that crowd as the main suspect. As for the footprint they had found, the CSU collected the particulates and took them back to the police laboratory to run the mass spec. Although there was small chance that it would help them identify the place where the kidnappers came from, Gordon still hoped for the success.

The results came up quite fast as the case was marked top priority, however they weren't very clear. The particulates turned out to be part of soil which could be found in thick tropical rainforests and those covered quite a big area on Oahu. And it simply meant that they could be anywhere so that brought Gordon back to square one.

There was one more thing – that dark van that drove away with his unconscious friends but they've been already working on it and there were people looking for that vehicle, running a background check on it in all police databases available. So far they haven't found it yet.

Katsumoto sighed heavily. He was feeling horrible, like he failed Magnum and Higgins. Although he did everything he could in the last twenty-four hours, despite the fact that he spent a lot of time on this case, barely eating or sleeping, he felt it was still not enough to find his friends.

He wouldn't admit that to anyone but last night, which he spent at the precinct, he was so exhausted that try as he might, his eyes eventually closed and he fell asleep with his heavy head landing on his desk. Normally, he never remembered his dreams and he didn't much care about them but this time it was different. This time he remembered everything, every single painful detail.

It was late afternoon, the sun was slowly lowering itself, finally offering a much needed break from the steamy heat of the day. A light breeze appeared coming from the ocean. Gordon was at Robin's Nest, standing behind the main house in the garden. He looked around and noticed that he wasn't the only one there – his friends were there too: Kumu, Rick, TC, Shammy, even Jin. They were sitting by the long table filled with different kind of food and drinks.

When they saw Gordon, TC waved at him happily and sent him a friendly smile. "Hey, Gordie. It's so great you came. Come and join us! We're celebrating Christmas."

For a moment there, Katsumoto felt weird. A quiet voice within him told him something wasn't right but when he didn't notice anything odd, he decided to ignore it and after a brief hesitation, he smiled back and went to his friends. He joined them at the table and they started eating. They were having so much fun, talking and laughing happily, he felt he really belonged there, he was a part of this Ohana and he was so glad because of that.

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