Chapter Two

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There was nothing I could do...

Y/N screamed louder than ever before. Her throat felt raw but she kept going. Her feet hit the trunk top making a constant 'thunk' sound. They had been driving for miles. She could tell because the cool fall air made goosebumps appear on her skin. 

"Damn it." She said feeling her feet burn the more she kept kicking. 

Y/N listened to the music turn up louder. She realized he did it every time she had a tantrum. Like he was ignoring her as he drove around. Y/N wanted out. Feeling her anxiety rise from the confined space she kicked the trunk again, "Let me out!"

She gasped when the car moved roughly. She could hear the tires screech as he pulled off the side of the road. Y/N backed to the far edge of the trunk as she heard the car door slam. The music wasn't playing anymore. 

She squinted as the trunk opened revealing the mystery man. He roughly pulled on her tied arms with his gun out, "Would you shut the fuck up!"

Y/N felt herself crying again. He pushed the gun to her skull, "If you don't stay quiet I'm gonna come back here and shoot you myself. Do you understand?"

Y/N was quiet. He shook her again making her sob, "Okay!"

He pushed her back into the trunk trapping her inside again. She waited in silence again. Her back began hurting as she laid there like an animal. Her eyelids felt heavy but she pried them open.

She scooted back in fear when the trunk opened again. He gave her a look, "I'm not gonna hurt you."

Y/N just sat there too scared to move. He sucked his teeth grabbing her. Y/N surveyed the area. They were in another state over. The blinking lights of the neon motel sign made her stomach clench. 

She felt the cool air as they entered the small motel room. It was shitty of course but it would work. Her stomach flipped again, "I need to use the bathroom."

She stumbled feeling herself gag. He quickly pushed her inside the bathroom. With tied hands, she leaned over the toilet throwing up her guts. When she was done she felt the man until her hands. 

He closed the toilet seat making her sit down. She moaned in pain as he rubbed her aching hands. "I'm sorry for being a bit rough."

She tried to talk but she couldn't. Y/N stared at him with her eyes instead. He smiled showing off his perfect teeth, "I know you're a sweet girl, maybe too sweet."

He ran a towel under warm water and rung it out. She watched as he lifted it to her face wiping the day away. She winced feeling her head begin to ache. 

"You better be grateful I saved you. Take a shower and get dressed." He pushed a bag towards her before shutting the bathroom door. How long was she in the trunk?

Y/N stood up with weak legs. She stared back at herself in the dingy mirror. She cried silently as she saw the scars on her face and dried blood. Y/N stood under the shower water watching the blood smoothly run off her body. 

She came out of the bathroom in fresh clothes. She held herself as the man watched her. Y/N didn't want to be tied up again. But he approached her with more tape. He took her hands wrapping them up.

"Do I need to tape your mouth, Y/N?" He questioned.

"How do you know my name?" She asked hearing her voice for the first time. 

"I know all about you, Y/N." 

Y/N felt defeated. They had been watching her for a while and she didn't even know it. "What's your name."

"Now why would I tell you that?" He asked moving her hair from her face.

He dragged his fingers along her braids easing the pain in her head, "Cee."

"What's that stand for." Her voice sounded small.


Y/N flinched when he kissed her forehead and tossed her a blanket, "Get some sleep cuz you're gonna need it."

Authors Note:

broooo omg, he is sick fr 

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sorry for mistakes 

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