Chapter Seven

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While he was gone, I was making my next move whether I knew it or not...

Y/N was by herself for once. Oakley let her know he went to handle business and that she could roam the premises. The maid, whose name Y/N learned was Estelle, kept a close eye on her.

She found herself in the outdoor garden. She walked barefoot trying to come up with a plan. Y/N ran her hands over the tall flowers. She jumped hearing footsteps behind her. Y/N let out a sigh of relief when she saw Andres.

"How are you feeling?" Andres came up beside her looking quite poised.

Y/N felt her throat get dry, "Fine."

"I know it seems like you'll be here for eternity but it won't be much longer." He spoke putting his arms behind his back.

Y/N eyes him suspiciously. His curly hair was almost perfect. His smile made her feel warm, "Aren't you supposed to be with Oakley, or should I say Cench, or the Godfather. I can't keep track."

Andres laughed, "sus muchas personalidades."

(His many personalities)

Y/N shook her head, "Andres, I don't understand."

He continued to walk alongside her, "Oakley has many personalities. You'll learn who he is whenever you see him."

"Like, split personalities?" She questioned softly.

He looked to her, "Most likely. Look, don't show him weakness. He has a soft spot for you."

Y/N rolled her eyes, "Please, spare me. You probably shouldn't even be talking to me. Why are you so nice? So different?"

Y/N stopped walking along the path. The tall trees and plants hiding her from the large glass windows of the estate. Andres stared at her. She noticed he had a cut right above his eyebrow.

"Not everyone in this life chose it. Algunas cosas suceden."

(Some things happen)

Y/N flinched when his hand came up pulling a fallen leaf from her hair. His brown eyes told her that she could trust him, "No te lastimaré mamita."

(I won't hurt you, mamita)

"Andres, you need to go," Y/N begged feeling eyes watching them.

"Remember what I said, okay?" He backed away leaving her in the garden.

Y/N placed a hand on her beating chest. They were definitely being watched. Y/N continued walking through the garden ignoring the pit in her stomach. Estelle was busy cleaning her room, "You must get ready for tonight."

Y/N rolled her eyes already knowing the routine. She sat in front of Oakley as he cut into his steak. She was barely eating still scared. He tried to force her but it never worked. She nibbled on the potatoes.

"I'm surprised you haven't asked for your daddy." He said stabbing his fork further into the meat.

Y/N averted her eyes, "I figured you killed him a long time ago."

He laughed, "You've only been here two weeks, relax."

"Why did you kidnap me anyway?" Y/N asked drinking her water.

Oakley cleaned his teeth with his tongue, "You really don't know do you?"

Y/N shook her head, "Enlighten me."

"Watch it."

He sighed putting down his fork and knife, "You're dad disobeyed one of my direct orders. He knew this would happen if he did it."

"Did what? Whatever he did has nothing to do with me."

"I'm gonna keep you here until I get what I want, regardless of what you think." Oakley picked his utensils back up and began cutting his food.

"You still didn't answer my question," Y/N said eating more of her food.

He shrugged his shoulders, "You know he killed your mother?"

Y/N spit out her water coughing, "What?"

"Yeah, your dad isn't all that he's cracked up to be my love. I think your mom was hiding a secret from him and that's why he killed her."

Y/N shook her head tearing up. Her mother died when she was ten. With barely any memories she thought her mother died in a car accident. She abruptly stood up from the table. Oakley laughed as he watched her walk away.

"I told him I only wanted one thing, revenge!" He shouted out to her as she ran back to her room.

Authors Note:

this one is short

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oop Andres is making a move

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