Chapter Four

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I realized that he was invincible and no one could touch him. Not even God...

Y/N let the warm water run over her. It cascaded down her melanin skin as she shivered from fear. One of her favorite songs repeated in her head, Remember the Rain by The Sylvers. The old-school song kept her sane.

"You left me for somebody else.." She hummed to herself running a hand through her wet curls.

She tried to ignore the scene from the gas station. The images flashed quickly in her brain, the sounds of the water sounded like gasoline. Her skin felt like it was burning. She screamed slipping in the tub.

Cench knocked on the door, "Yo, you good?"

Y/N trembled turning the water off, "I'm fine."

When she came out of the shower she was dressed in new clothes. Y/N used the hotel conditioner and put her hair into two braids. At least they'd be out of her face until she got herself together.

He eyed her from across the room. He had his jeans on and a white undershirt. His tattoos covered his body. His curly hair sat on his shoulders. Y/N averted her eyes as she laid out her dirty clothes.

Hard knocks sounded at the front door. Y/N jumped clutching the hotel pillow to her chest. The hotel room was small as usual. Two beds, one for him and one for her. Except he didn't get much sleep.

Cench cracked the door open revealing a police officer. Y/N perked up choosing to look at the door, "Got a report about this vehicle. Are you the owner?"

Y/N tried to listen when he began speaking in a hushed voice. The officer had his hand on his gun. Cee smiled reaching down to his bag pulling out a wad of cash. The officer looked back at her and then at him.

"What you say your last name was again?"


Her eyebrows furrowed trying to decipher the rest. She jumped when the door closed. Y/N watched through the blinds as the officer's shadow disappeared. "Aww, did you really think he was staying, my love?"

"What does Gambino mean?" She questioned when he turned the television on.

He looked over at her, "Literally? Just know it holds a lot of power here."

"Can I at least get your first name? I don't wanna call you Cench."

"Stop thinking too hard sweetheart."

Y/N curled up into a ball on the bed facing him. She was too weak to run but if it was one thing she had was smarts. He watched her carefully, "It's Oakley."

The next morning he was dragging her onto a private airport tarmac. Y/N rubbed her tired eyes. Black vehicles surrounded the private plane. Oakley nodded to the guard at the front. No one batted an eye at Y/N.

She followed taking a seat inside the plane. He sat across from her. When she woke up he was dressed differently. He wore an all-black suit hiding the scariest parts of him. If she saw him on the street she would've thought he was a businessman, not a psycho.

The flight attendants walked by serving him champagne. He eyed the prettiest white one. She shrieked when he pulled her into his lap. She smiled at him as he made eye contact. He kissed her lips making Y/N roll her eyes.

"Can I change into something different? I think I'm a bit underdressed for where we're going." Y/N said interrupting they're make out session.

Oakley sighed looking to the attendant in the back, "Lizzie, did you bring everything I requested?"

"Yes, sir."

He nodded giving Y/N a grace period. She stood making her way to the back. By then the plane was already up in the air. Lizzie handed her a duffle bag. Y/N went to the bathroom opening it. Various products and toiletries made her sigh.

She gasped pulling out a black tie front split hem dress. The dress had slits on the side exposing her brown skin. It fell to her ankles leaving a flowly aura. She picked out her hair into a curly afro using what she had.

Y/N looked into the mirror. Her scar still sat on her forehead. It'd leave an everlasting scar. She stared at herself looking like a different person.

"Let's do this shit." She whispered to herself as she exited the bathroom.

The giggly flight attendant was off his lap by the time she made it to her seat. Oakley eyed her in her attire, "You look way better than I expected."

"Oakley, where are you taking me?" She questioned ignoring his lacking compliment.

His jaw ticked, "I give you a compliment and that's your response."

"That's not a compliment."


Y/N tried to force her fear down her throat, "You paid off that officer?"

He smiled, "Of course, I did. What did you expect me to do? Shoot him?"

Y/N held her breath as he inched forward closing her into the seat, "Yes, yes I did."

Authors Note:

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umm i be updating when i should be doing work

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