Chapter Six

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I wasn't gonna let him break my spirit even though he was trying extremely hard...

Y/N groaned as she opened her eyes. The maid was hovering over top of her draping a warm cloth over her head. She was no longer dressed in her black dress but silk pajamas.

"Madam, relax." The maid told her with soft eyes.

Her eyes opened more revealing the cuffs to her hands. She yanked on them making the maid tap her, "Do you want the Godfather to kill us both?"

Y/N shook her head. The maid responded, "Then you will stop. Find another way."

Y/N leaned back into the bed feeling another wave of pain. She shivered feeling like she was gonna vomit. The maid hummed, "You tried to escape and they drugged you."

"I can't feel my legs." Y/N muttered as the drug took over her body again.

"You time."

The next time Y/N woke up the maid was gone but plates of untouched food sat by the bed. She realized her day went by in a blur. She groaned again as her stomach rumbled with pain.

She heard a chair creek in the dark room. Y/N sat up looking around. Andres stood by the window, the moonlight illuminating his skin.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

Y/N shook her head, "I'm fine."

He moved across the room to sit on her bed. She moved back keeping a bit of distance. He pulled on her cuffs unlocking them. He rubbed her wrist, "You need to eat. The drug won't wear off if you don't eat."

Y/N pulled her wrist back, "Why should I trust you?"

He smiled, "You don't have to."

He took her wrists again cuffing her again. Andres made sure to pass her an uneaten plate of food before he left her in darkness. 

The morning came and she was still tied up. Oakley had finally made an appearance after she begged the maid to bring him to her, "You requested to see me?"

"Can you untie me? I think I've learned my lesson." Y/N said feeling more tears in her eyes.

"Mhm. Maybe."

"Please, I'm going crazy in here. I'm sorry for trying to leave. I promise I won't do it again." She told him holding out her wrist.

"If you wish. I'm only giving you one more chance. Don't fuck it up because you know what that means." He showed her his gun with his fingers, he blew air out of his mouth emulating a gun shot.


Y/N found herself at a BlackJack game with Deon and Andres. Oakley sat at the head of the table smoking a cigar with the rest of the men.

"The fuck am I here for?" She asked them coldly as they stood in the background.

Deon laughed, "Eye candy."

Y/N felt gross as the men stared at her from afar, "That's not entirely true."

"Wow, she's smarter than I thought." Deon told Andres who stood quietly.

Deon moved to the table watching them gamble. Andres cleared his throat handing her the keys to the SUV, "Take this and start the car."

Y/N obeyed him happy to be out of sight. She watched them through the car window. Oakley pulled the cards in front of him.

"I heard there's been some talk behind my back." Oakley said ignoring the stares from the men.

"No one would disrespect you, Godfather." One man said while others nodded.

Oakley laughed pulling out his gun, "Shut the fuck up. You know it's about time I clean house."

"Sir, you don't have to do this." One of the men said stirring in his seat.

"I really don't care."

He let off one shot hitting the man in the chest. Another reached for his gun but not fast enough as Deon shot him. Y/N covered her ears the gun shots were too much for her.

Andres pulled on Oakley as he shot his gun in any direction, "Fuck all of you!"

The men piled into the car. "Y/N pull off right now."

"I don't even know how to drive!" Her nerves were taking over.

Oakley raised his gun pointing it at her head, "Drive!"

Another one of the men approached the car with his gun drawn. He sent shots into the windshields making Y/N scream. She pressed on the gas speeding straight into him.

She quickly put the car into reverse moving past the dead bodies. Y/N successfully pulled off speeding away.

"Can you put the gun away please?" She asked as she pulled off onto a side road.

Oakley listened stashing it under his seat. With the wave of his hand her door opened. Andres helped her out.

Feeling all the emotions at once Y/N leaned away throwing up. Oakley laughed, "I figured you'd be used to it by now."

Andres helped her up from the dirt pushing her into the passenger seat. He gave her a look of sympathy before masking his emotions.

A few hours later, Oakley sat on Y/N's bed watching her sleep. She stirred waking up abruptly, "You scared me."

"Are you okay? I'm sorry for putting you through that." He spoke apologetically.

Y/N scrunched her eyebrows, "You're confusing me."

He leaned forward kissing her lips, "No matter what I'm gonna protect you."

Y/N sat in shock confused. He noticed her still figure and his sweet demeanor was gone. He was back to his cold self, "Don't you ever fucking freeze like that again."

Y/N held her hands up in defense, "Okay!"

She watched as he left slamming her door. What the fuck, she thought pulling the covers to her chest. She could still feel her lips tingling. She knew there's was something seriously wrong with that man and she didn't wanna stick around to find out.

Authors Note:

Vote and comment.

If you can't tell I'm going in a different direction with the story so bare with me. Yes Oakley is crazy and yes there will be more context into who he is, and who Y/N's father is. It will all make sense soon.

Anyways, do we like Andres?

Sorry for mistakes!

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