Chapter Three

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Bodies kept piling up the more I was with him...

Y/N felt her body shake as his warm hands touched her body. He had been trying to wake her for the last twenty minutes, "Y/N."

She hummed pushing his hands away, "Five more minutes."

"Get up." The stern voice brought her back to reality.

Her eyes snapped open as Cee stood over her. Damn, he was way too pretty to be such a monster. Her thoughts raced as he gently pulled her up from the bed.

He guided her drowsy body to the car. She was surprised when he opened the passenger side door and let her sit. She caught a whiff of his scent as he buckled her seat belt.

The sun was high in the sky. She looked at the clock in the car. 12:30 pm. Y/N stared out the window watching as they drove on the back roads. All she saw were trees. They reach high up in the sky making her feel small. 

"You were crying in your sleep," Cench told her as he reach forward cutting on the radio.

Y/N kept her head down, "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. We still got a ways to go so relax."

Y/N's ears perked up as she heard the radio announcement: Police are currently searching for missing persons Y/N Y/L/N. Last seen at her residence yesterday around 6 pm. Please see the missing persons alert for a description. Contact the local PD if you see her.

"Fuck!" Cee shouted speeding up.

"We gotta do something about your appearance." He said eyeing her braids.

"Take these out." He spoke tugging on the rope-like material.

"Do you know how long it'll take?" Y/N asked quietly. She spent so much money on her braids. They were barely in for a month.

"Either take it out or I'll cut it off myself." 

Y/N sighed but she found herself undoing her braids. She looked over at him as she tugged on the hair, "You're so violent. Do you know that?"

He was quiet for a second surprised she was speaking to him, "Yeah."

"Why won't you tell me your real name?" 

He looked over at her in disbelief, "Because."

"You said so?" She questioned pulling out more of the fake hair that made up her braids.

"Shut up. You got a smart mouth." 

He rolled her eyes annoyed with her presence. Maybe I should've left her in the trunk, he thought. The longer they drove the more braids came out. And by the end of the ride, her hair was crinkly. Y/N opened the car mirror above her.

She looked terrible. Her eyes were puffy and red, noticeable to her and even more noticeable to others. Y/N put her hair into a ponytail trying to hide how crazy she looked. Great, I look just as fucked up as he does she thought easing back into the seat. 

"How long are we driving for?" She asked as they came up to a gas station. 

The neon sign flickered as it rotated every now and then. EZ GAS, the red light flickered as the LED bulbs busted. Y/N could smell the gasoline at the pump. Cench undid his seatbelt, "Stay here darlin'."

She watched as he went inside to quickly pay. The bearded man at the front desk leaned over the counter lazily. She saw Cench tapping at the counter anxiously. He looked calm otherwise. Y/N sniffled rubbing her raw wrist looking out each of the car mirrors.

"Excuse me miss?" A civilian asked her chewing some white gum.

Y/N's eyes flickered at the man when he leaned against the car. She could smell nicotine coming off him in waves, "Hi sir."

"You alright?" He eyed her wrist noticing the bruises.

Y/N hid them under her legs, "Yes, I'm fine."

She saw Cench staring from outside. Her heart jumped when he exited the store and stormed over. His heavy feet echoed. 

"That man hittin on you?" The man asked sensing the tension in the air.

With shaky hands, she exited the car. Its sleek old fashioned style contrasted with the black asphalt. Cench pulled the pump out smiling as he filled the gas tank, "If I was hitting on her you'd notice."

"You can leave. I'm okay." Y/N began to ramble trying to warn him but smiled frightened.

The man puffed his chest out approaching Cench. Y/N felt her stomach drop as Cee gave him a deadpan look. His eyes darkened when the man kept speaking, "You let this girl go. I saw her description on the news."

"Wrong person." He responded taking the pump out of the car's gas tank. 

"Y/N get in the car,"Cench told her not wanting any response.

Y/N shook her head feeling overwhelmed. He's erratic, she thought. The man kept talking trying to prove a point, "I'm calling the police."

Y/N tried to keep it together, "Please."

"Y/N, get in the fucking car." His words were deliberate.

Y/N jumped into the car turning her head to look. The man was on his last leg but he pushed further, "I'm gonna detain you until the police get here."

Cench laughed, "No you won't."

Y/N gasped when he lifted the pump pressing the button. Gas erupted from the nozzle sinking into the man's clothes. He screamed as the chemicals sunk into his eyes. "Oh, my God."

The man fell to his knees covering his face. Cench put the nozzle away and closed the gas tank. He dug into his pocket pulling out a red BIC lighter. Y/N's eyes widened, "No!"

He swung the lighter at him watching him combust. Y/N covered her ears not wanting to hear him scream to death. The car door opened as he climbed in. He turned the radio up as Y/N cried in the seat.

"I'm sorry you had to see that but he was trying to take you away from me." He spoke rubbing the girl's head.

Y/N sobbed covering her face, "Please. Just let me go."

"You know I'd do anything to get what I want. Don't piss me off." He nudged her head away as he kept driving.

I gotta get out of here, she thought.

Authors Note:

um, he's a psycho 

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