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"I'm gonna be late for work," Jamie told her boyfriend while laughing. He was sprawled on top of her and refused to let her go.

"Or you can just stay with me," he said, kissing her slowly.

"It's a full moon tonight, it's gonna be crazy." She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him off her. He groaned as she got up from the bed.

"Are you coming by after your shift?" he asked hopefully. She leaned forwards and kissed him softly, promising to come by later.

He pulled her down when she leaned forward, and she landed on the bed with a laugh. She ended up being late for work.


The team had split up due to the full moon. It was going to be a busy night so they wanted to be as efficient as possible. So Jamie was with Buck and the Captain while Hen and Chimney were off on their own.

"It's a fact. Gravity is heavier during full moons; scientists have proven it," Buck argued.

"You read this in a peer-reviewed scientific publication?" Bobby asked

"Uh, I don't know, is the internet considered a scientific publication?"

"Buck, the idea that the moon causes odd behaviour and happenings goes back to the first century. It's folklore, magical thinking," Bobby argued.

"I don't know, I'm with Buck on this," Jamie said, surprising both of the men.

"Hey, she's this way," a woman greeted them when they stepped out of the elevator. They had been called to a yoga studio for pregnant women. "Jackie's six months pregnant. She's new. This class is only open to moms who are at least 26 weeks. I warn them about overexerting themselves."

"Yeah, Locust Pose," Buck said when they entered the room and found a woman stuck in a yoga position. "I've dated like, 50 yoga instructors."

"Of course you have," Jamie teased.

"All right, can you guys please clear out so we can get in there. Thank you, thank you," Bobby ordered.

"Oh, I can't move, everything hurts," the woman, Jackie, groaned. "The baby, is he okay?"

"Okay, we're gonna check your baby right now, okay? I'm gonna touch you right here on your stomach," the captain told her. "Okay, there's no trauma to the abdomen."

"Vitals seem normal," Buck, who had been listening to her heart with a stethoscope, announced. "Fetal heartbeat's normal."

"Is the baby okay?" Jackie asked again.

"Your baby is fine," Bobby assured her.

"Oh, he's not mine. I'm a surrogate."

Bobby asked her where it was hurting and he and Buck went to work on trying to get her on the gurney when a woman screamed. Jamie took over in trying to move Jackie as the captain went to check out the woman who screamed. A third woman groaned, announcing that her water broke.

"Buck?" Bobby asked

"Yeah, I'm on it. Uh, dispatch, requesting additional paramedics to 232 Hope, possible spinal disc herniation. Need transport to hospital immediately," he spoke into the radio.

The woman whose water broke took off her pants, muttering that the baby is coming now.

"Yeah, you only just started contractions, it's okay," Buck told her.

"No, this is my forth kid. It's coming."

"Uh, okay, I need towels! I need towels!"

The woman Bobby was helping was apparently also in labor, and it was too risky to transport her to the hospital. A third woman screamed, apparently also in labor.

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