How you Met

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"Excuse me, coming through, out of my way," Tony heard a voice and some jostling from behind him. He turned around to see several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents wrestling with someone. "If you don't let me go I will be forced to use desperate measures."

By than all of the people in the lab had stopped working to watch the incident. Suddenly one of the agents collapsed in pain and the person they had been trying to contain escaped. Tony watched in amazement as a stunning women ran towards where Tony was standing. She plucked the pen out of his hand.

"Can I borrow this? Thanks," She said and began writing on the white board in front of him. At first it appeared to just be random symbols and numbers. She was muttering to herself as she scribbled. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents rushed towards the board but Tony held up a hand, stopping them. The more she began to write the more he the symbols began to make sense. It was a minute more of silence and squeaking of the marker as she wrote. Suddenly she stopped and sat up strait. "Now either I'm crazy, which is a possibility, or I think I just solved the problem you've been having obtaining stable teleportation."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Tony asked. You turned and smiled at him.

"I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)," You said sticking your hand out to him. He looked at you and than looked at the board behind you. He pushed past you and examined the board. You stood behind him looking at the board as well. He only stared at it for a moment or two before he turned back to you.

"And you came from where?" He asked looking at you with a raised eyebrow.

"I broke in because I wanted to show you this formula. I think it's what you've been looking for."

"You broke into Stark towers and got past S.H.I.E.L.D. agents just to show me this?" You nodded starting to think maybe this had been a mistake. "I must say I'm impressed," Tony said. He stuck out his hand to you. "I'm Tony Stark. Come, Ms. (Y/L/N), we have a lot to talk about.

Bruce Banner:

Bruce couldn't believe that Tony had convinced him to come to this work party. He would have much prefered to stay at home where he knew no one could get hurt. He had purposefully shown up late thinking that maybe if he showed up late enough he'd miss the whole thing. True it was just watching a game on TV but still... Tony met him at the door and took the beer Bruce had brought. Tony stopped off at the kitchen to deposit the beer in fridge. Bruce was than led into living room which was filled with familar faces and a few new ones.

"You know just about everyone," Tony said as he sat down on the couch next to Pepper. There was only one open spot on the couch next to a very pretty girl that he didn't recognize. You smiled at Dr. Banner as he looked around for a seat. He was so cute when he was shy.

"Here's a seat Dr.B. I don't bite,"You said as you patted the space next to you. You wanted to giggle at the nervous way he picked his way across the room. You moved over a bit so there'd be enough for him to sit. There wasn't a ton of room so your shoulders were pressed together. "I'm (Y/N). I don't think we've met."

"No i don't think we have. Are you new to S.H.I.E.L.D.?" He asked.

"Yeah. Medical research department."

"Well it's nice to you. I'm Bruce Banner" He said as he stuck his hand out for you to shake. You gladly shook it. "What do you do in med research?" "I'm working on some Cardiology stuff. It's all top secret. Very hush hush."

"You're a secret agent scientist?" You giggled at that and nodded.

"You could say that," you said just as someone bumped into you and spilled your drink all over yourself and Bruce.

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