The Celebrity He's Jealous Of

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A/N: Suspension of disbelief... I don't know this was pretty popular with my other preferences

Tony: Robert Downey Jr.

"Holy shit," you said as your eyes widened in disbelief. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Who?" Tony asked trying to see who you were staring at. The pair of you were hosting another ritzy party, hobnobbing with the rich and famous. You usually hated these kinds of things but tonight had just gotten so much better with the appearance of your all time celebrity crush; Robert Downey Jr.

"Is that really Robert Downey Jr.?" you asked beginning to freak out. You looked over at Tony who had an annoyed expression on his face. "Do you know him? Can you introduce us? Please, babe?"

"Technically I know him. I don't know why you would ever want to meet him though. He's kind of an ass," Tony said with just a bit of a grumble.

"Why would I want to meet him? Because he's hot! I've had the biggest crush on him since I was like 16."

"He's still an ass. I don't think you need to be around that kind of personality," Tony countered and took your arm trying to lead you away. It was then that it all clicked into place.

"Wait a second," you said slowly. "You're jealous! That's why you don't want me to meet him! You're jealous that I think he's hot." You burst out laughing when Tony refused to meet your gaze. He looked like a kicked puppy.

"That's not why," Tony tried, weakly.

"Babe," You started and put your hand on his chin, forcing him to look at you. "You know that you're the only millionaire for me. Yeah, Robert Downey Jr. is hot but at the end of the day I'm always in you're bed right? There's no need for you to be jealous. I promise."

"Billionaire. I'm a billionaire," Tony said after a second, while revealing his signature smirk. You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend before you leaned in and kissed him.

"Okay, Mr. Billionaire, you want to get out of here and remind me why I crawl into your bed every night?"

Bruce Banner: Mark Ruffalo

Bruce groaned as he walked into the living room. 13 Going on 30 was playing and you had your eyes glued to the screen. Matt was about to kiss Jenna and you were leaning forward.

"Do you have to watch this movie all the time?" Bruce grumbled. He had intended on curling up on the couch with you and watching TV but if this is what was playing he'd pass. You're ridiculous crush on Mark Ruffalo made him so incredibly jealous. You giggled knowing your boyfriend was envious.

"But it's so cute!" you said. "She falls in love with her best friend and they get together. It's like every girl's dream!"

"If it's every girls dream why are you with me? Or is there something you need to tell me?" he asked only half joking.

"Babe, seriously? I love you. I just have a bit of a crush on Mark Ruffalo. It's nothing compared to how I feel about you," you said reaching out towards your boyfriend. He could never deny you anything so he came and sat beside you. Once you were safely nestled in his arms and the channel had been changed you pressed a kiss to his cheek and whispered in his ear, "You are my best friend in case you were wondering."

Steve: Chris Evans

"Okay, I'd kill James Franco, fuck Zac Efron, and marry Channing Tatum," Natasha said with a small smile as Steve walked into the training gym. You and Natasha were sparring while playing Kill,Marry,Fuck. Steve couldn't resist coming over and listening in on your conversation while he warmed up on the punching bag. "Okay, (Y/N), your turn. You're three celebrities are Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Liam Hemsworth, and Chris Evans."

Avengers PreferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora